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URL parameter to Survey123 does not work in the offline map - SQLite/ 'gdb_to_date' error?

04-07-2022 05:18 PM
Frequent Contributor

Hello all, 

I've been using a combination of Field Maps and Survey123 in various solutions, and never encountered this error before.  It looks like the error was associated with a particular layer, but I am not sure how I can narrow down the problem. Here is my workflow

- Users will create a point in the Field Maps.

- a few expressions will extract values from reference layers and pass them as parameters to Survey123

- The expressions are:

  • Finding the nearest address information
  • Finding the overlapping parcel ID
  • Finding the overlapping regional boundary name  (error message indicates this layer)
  • Extracting X, Y locations


I did test on my iphone. It works perfect during online, but once I download offline area maps, it does not work. 

- Works fine during online

-- Then I downloaded offline area and test it in both online/ offline

- Does not work in the downloaded map during offline

- Does not work in the downloaded map during online


==> So the expression works fine but it does not work once the map is downloaded.

I was able to see the error message, and there is detail.


Expression Name: expr6 (temp exp)

Expression Title: boundaryLayer (temp name)

Error Domain: com.esri.arcgis.runtime.error

Error Code: 1001

Error Description: SQLite error., SQLite:1

Generic error

no such column: gdb_to_date


Based on the error message, it sounds like my expression is incorrect but it works fine during online. I am not sure where to look into. 


Thank you!



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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Can you please share more information?

What is the expression to calculate the values?

What is the custom URL? Does it work if you manually populate values (i.e. not use expressions)?

When you say works online, do you mean in the web browser or ArcGIS Field Maps prior to offline packaging?

What versions/platforms?

At a glance, I would hazard a guess that:

  • The expression is working in the web map viewer but may yet be supported in Field Maps (Arcade expression to call a reference from another layer)? I'm not up to speed on the latest updates
  • Same as the above, but specific to offline maps (I've noticed some ArcGIS Field Maps functionality did not make it across to offline - such as group layers in the beta. 

I think isolating the issue will help here. I think we can say that it's not a Survey123 issue, as the error is in field maps when the expression is processed?

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Frequent Contributor

Hello @ChristopherCounsell 

This is my expression. It's been applied within the point layer that users use to create an assessment point. Based on the x, y values of the point layer, the expression extract the overlapping regional boundaries name.


var RBD = FeatureSetById($map,  "Layer_ID")

var Int_point =Intersects($feature, RDB)

var Intersect_Region = ''

for (var row in Int_point){

Intersect_Region = row.REGION_NAME



return Intersect_Region



All my test was done on mobile device (iPhone) - updated my questions above.


I use the exact the same expression above to fond overlapping parcels and it works fine. But only this regional layer causes the problem. I think the issue comes from the layer or somehow my expression does not work with this layer when the map is downloaded for offline use.



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