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Unable to Configure Form for Table in Field Maps Web App

06-27-2022 06:59 AM
New Contributor

I have a web map with a feature layer and four tables that I created forms from using the Field Maps Web App. I created the forms about a month ago and had no problem creating forms for the feature layer or the tables. After the update last week, I am no longer able to configure the forms for the tables. The tables are greyed out in the content tab of the fields maps web app editor. I try to click on the table, but I cannot and when hovering over the table I get a message saying, "Editing of the content is disabled". I am still able to use the map on the Field Maps app. I can see the forms for the feature layer and tables and am able to submit a record in the tables using the app. So it appears like the forms are still there, I just can’t see them or edit them in the web editor.

The layer and table in the map come from a feature service published to ArcGIS Server 10.9.1. The service has been added to ArcGIS Online as an item, with the credentials to view the service saved in the item. There are relationships between the feature class and tables, with three tiers of relationships (the feature class is related to 2 of the tables which are each related to another table). Everything is versioned (traditional), has global IDs and editor tracking. The relationships are built off the global IDs.

10 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

I solved my issue, perhaps it will be helpful to someone else:

When I add the layers from a REST URL, I was able to edit the form of the actual geographic data no problem, but not the related table. It turns out that apparently in order to make the form for a table editable in Field Maps, I needed to add the entire Portal Feature Layer Item that gets created on Publishing, and leave everything in the map.

To elaborate, if I added the entire Portal Feature Layer but then removed the geographic data (which I did because I had already configured the geographic layers and didn't want to do it again), the table form became uneditable. So then I added the Feature Layer and only removed one of the geographic layers (didn't wind up needing it) and that also made the table form uneditable. My last test was to add the Feature Layer, touch nothing, and see how the table form responded in survey maps, and that did in fact make it editable. That's kind of a pain because I had an Experience Builder app already configured and there are 18 layers that have conditional formatting for some of the field in the Field Maps form. luckily I was able to copy-paste that info in the web map JSON, but I did have to re-do the Experience.

Happy mapping,
- Zach
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