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Requiring a Photo in Field Maps

12-22-2020 11:20 AM
Regular Contributor

Can you require capturing a photo in Field Maps, as you can in Survey123? If not, is this a planned future capability?

I’d really like to use Field Maps for a portion of my workflow but I need to require a photo be taken. I'll have to use Survey123 until this capability is added.

28 Replies
Frequent Contributor

This addition would be greatly appreciated. We also have a need for this feature.

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New Contributor

Just wanted to add another “I could use this”. 

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Regular Contributor

Would love to see this capability added as well!  We require photos for most inspections we do. We use Survey123 for some and Field Maps for the more map centric inspections.  Would be very useful. 

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Frequent Contributor


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Occasional Contributor

Would also love to see this happen! Looking into filling in gaps in commercial suite addressing and having a photo of the suite is incredibly helpful to gauge the size of the suite, confirm the spelling of the business, and QC that the suite number was put in correctly by the inspector during the site visit.

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New Contributor

This feature would also be beneficial for my company

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New Contributor


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Frequent Contributor

We need this too for many different Field Maps projects. We want to require photos. Anyone from Esri able to weigh in is this in Product Plan and if so when roughly? Just needs a Boolean added to the code for Required yes/no. And ability to have questions with custom hints for each line for each photo, for example to instruct users how to name the photo. Example: Hydrant_Photo_From_Street_DateXYZ   and "Hydrant_Photo_Closeup_Date" each with its own Picture(s) line with its own hint for file naming. And make them Required. 


@KerriRasmussen Greetings again. 😎  I am looking forward to the bigger 'Related' records button with more intuitive icon you mentioned.  For now, I just name the related table "CLICK HERE to add inspections". Kind of hacky but works. Looks weird in some other places like WAB apps but it serves its purpose.  

Keep up the great work field app teams! I am appreciating the power of arcade and Field Maps Designer. Also looking forward to being able to manually edit Calculated fields without a "switching" field soon, as you showed me the workaround for. 


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Emerging Contributor

I also require this functionality in Field Maps Designer.

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