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Raster Color Ramp and DRA lost in Field Maps

09-21-2023 09:00 AM
Occasional Contributor

I'm using a raster layer available through the state ( in a webmap. The raster data symbology in that map uses the standard topographic color ramp and is set to use dynamic range adjustment. This all works great in the webmap and works just fine if that webmap is loaded in a phone browser.

However, in field maps the color ramp reverts to the grayscale ramp and there is no DRA. Any thoughts on what I may have left out here? Or is this a flaw in field maps?


Note: This is not limited to that one imagery service. I added a different one from Wisconsin with the same result.

3 Replies
New Contributor

Did you ever find a resolution to this? I have a DEM with raster symbology in the Classic Map Viewer and when viewed in field maps, it's just the grayscale.

New Contributor

I'm finding similar problems, sometimes even if I export just a portion of the raster so I can avoid DRA, I'm still faced with a grayscale stretched raster, even forcing render and RGB, I'll aways see a grayscale image.

It would be great if we get a fix on this

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Emerging Contributor

Did anyone find a workaround to this? I am currently running into a similar issue, and just posted about this yesterday. Thanks!

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