Display a raster (more specifically a DEM) using Dynamic Range Adjustment (DRA) symbology in Field Maps with the capability to take the map offline.
To achieve the above goal, I have created a hosted tile imagery layer of the DEM in AGOL. (I did this by uploading the .TIF file to AGOL, and selecting the "hosted tile imagery layer" option), I then symbolized this DEM using DRA in Map Viewer and then enabled the data for offline use. Things were looking positive at this point! Woohoo!
Unfortunately.. when I opened up the above map in Field Maps, the tile imagery layer will not show up. After some googling, I found a posted bug from Esri in 2023 saying that tiled imagery layers are not showing up in Field Maps. I assume this has not be fixed yet since I cannot visualize the tiled imagery layer.
What I have tried:
I have tried publishing the DEM as a tiled web layer from Pro but then I lose my capability to symbolize by DRA (dynamic range adjustment). I have tried publishing an entire web map from Pro but again I lose my capability to symbolize by DRA. In both of the above instances, I receive the error saying "Raster symbology uses statistics from the current display", which makes sense.
I have tried publishing a hosted imagery layer to AGOL (I did this by uploading a .TIF file to AGOL and selecting the "Hosted Imagery Layer" option) but then I lose the capability to take the app offline. When I realized that I couldn't take the map offline, I thought oh well, at least we can use the app where we have service! Unfortunately though.. when I open up the map in Field Maps, the DRA symbology is not supported by the hosted imagery layer.
What I am asking:
1. Has anyone out there ever successfully presented a DEM by DRA symbology in Field Maps/Collector/Explorer? If so, how?!
2. Has anyone ever successfully completed the above question, and then ALSO successfully enabled for offline use? If so, how?!
I feel like I must be missing something so any input or ideas that folks have would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I've successfully turned a raster image into a Hosted Tile Package (tpkx) and published a Mobile Map Package (mmpk) for use offline.
To do this, you'll need access to ArcPRO and want to use the 'Create Map Tile Package' Tool.
Once you've turned your .tif into a .tpkx, you can share it as .mmpk (for offline use).
Hope this helps!