What is the purpose of the highlighted code symbol in the properties of the Info element in Field Maps Designer? I was hoping to be able to use HTML in the info element, but found out that that isn't supported so I am wondering what is supported via this symbol, <>
It will just format the text you type as a code block. Code blocks are still just text though... nothing is executed.
In Designer
In Field Maps
In the Layer Definition
The JSONified version as saved in the layer definition's Form Elements:
You will notice that each code block in the JSON string is wrapped with backticks instead of single quotes.
Thanks @JustinReynolds . I guess I am not understanding the value of it though. Am I missing something?
No, I don't think you are missing anything. I don't see much value there either, besides having another font type. I think they released these info elements kind of bare bones. I suspect additional options will be supported in the future.
I find it interesting that it says HTML is not supported. However a few weeks ago I did a little CSS in the info element to display some reference images from our field manual so field crew doesn't need to toggle between apps as much. It worked fine on our iPads but not on my android device.
@ChristopherPasch Were you ever able to get this to work with android devices?