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Multiple Literal Strings in Arcade

10-17-2022 11:07 AM
Frequent Contributor

I'm trying to create a calculated expression to populate a value in one of my fields. The expression gets the address of a feature that's within 100 feet of the feature the user is adding. If the expression doesn't get an address I want it to do the same process but with a different layer. I'm using literal strings in Arcade to populate the field. Can I not use multiple literal strings in the expression? Below is my Arcade expression.

if (IsEmpty(Geometry($feature))){
    return null

var case = FeatureSetByName($map,"Active Container Related SRs")

var bufferedLocation = Buffer($feature, 100, "feet")
var candidateParcels = Intersects(case, bufferedLocation)

var featuresWithDistances = []
for (var f in candidateParcels){
            "distance": Distance($feature, f, "feet"),
            "feature": f

function sortByDistance(a,b){
    return a["distance"] - b["distance"]

var sorted = Sort(featuresWithDistances, sortByDistance)

var closestFeatureWithDistance = First(sorted)

if (IsEmpty(closestFeatureWithDistance)){
    // return null
    var rcase = FeatureSetByName($map,"Active Recycling Container Related SRs")
    var rParcels = Intersects(rcase, bufferedLocation)
    var recycle = []
    for (var i in rParcels){
                "distance": Distance($feature, i, "feet"),
                "feature": i
    return `${recycle["feature"]["IncidentAddress"]}`

return `${closestFeatureWithDistance["feature"]["IncidentAddress"]}`


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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

It looks like the second "find the closest thing" loop is incomplete, you need to sort your list and return the first result like you did above.

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