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If subtypes are applied to layer, it will NOT display within field maps if you don't use the subtype field for symbology, why?

01-11-2022 02:55 PM
New Contributor III

What's the reasoning? Is this a side effect of something else or an issue with the field apps (it happens in collector also). Symbology w/o the subtype field works fine in Map Viewer, it's only in the field apps I'm having the issue. It's weird, they'll still come up as related layers to other layers in the map, but any arcade expressions set with them no longer work and the feature don't display on the map (but no loading error). As soon as you switch back to the subtype field the problem is fixed

I can't find anything in the documentation regarding it. It's a pain for me as I have to have subtypes for my field for reasons I won't bore those reading this with. 




Look like it had nothing to do with subtypes but the symbols we were using may not be supported in the field apps for some reason...or possibly some side effect of them; with these symbols removed the issue is gone. Anyone know if there is a reference for symbology and fonts supported by Field Maps and Collector? 

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7 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Are you offline?

I just tested with a single point layer, and I am able to switch the rendering from Subtype field to any other field and, once I reload the map, can see them all in Field Maps.



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New Contributor III


Are you sure you have a subtype applied to that layer? Check your service definition. 

Also, what operating system are you using for field maps? I only tested IOS 

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Occasional Contributor

Yes.  It is a single point layer with subtype field, and originally symbolized by SubType field then published to service with both ArcMap 10.6.1 and ArcPro 2.9.  Both worked the same.


I can change the unique value field in Beta or Classic viewer, reload into Field Maps and I see the changes.

Tested on iPad with Field Maps 21.3.1 and 21.4.0.


I can leave a copy of the feature layer here for a few days if you want to test it yourself.




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New Contributor III

Can you publish the same layer again, but this time have the layer uniquely symbolized with a different field. That's how my layers were published when I encountered this. Going to do the inverse with my own data, but I can't share and show it due to the nature of it; would be good to have a public example for ESRI if needed. 

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Occasional Contributor

Here you go.  

Same dataset, but symbolized by ssBasinID, then published to AGOL using Pro.

I can see in Field Maps just fine, change symbology to the Subtype field and save, reload into Field Maps, works fine.

Can Unique Value symbolize on any field (well, only tested on 3) and still seems to work.


New Contributor III

Hmm okay thanks for the help. I'm starting to think it may have been either a corrupted service definition or an issue with the symbols used (they are a custom font). That being said, even after I switched back to the subtype field and set symbols on AGOL using one of their symbol types the issue persisted, so more likely something with the SD I would think. 


Probably gonna have to go to ESRI super fun.  

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New Contributor III

I have published a hostad layer with sub-types and it works OK for new features in Field Maps, even offline-mode (tested on android). Editing with WebMap client (not Classic), or experience bilder app, even with WAB-app, works perfect. But changing the main sub-type field in Field Maps on an existing feature, wont trigger other fields to change the domain correspondendly. This need to be fixad by ESRI. Or have anyone got this to work?

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