I have created a map in Portal/Server to be able to edit points via Field Maps. The point gets added when you click on the plus sign to add the point, and I'm able to update the points if I physically move the GPS unit, but sometimes the fieldworkers want to start the intake a little ways away and manually move the point in field maps using the map and crosshairs to where it's supposed to be. The points don't need to be that accurate. When the crosshairs are moved in field maps, the update point button becomes grayed out. Is it possible to manually update the points using the crosshairs? And why am I not able to set it on the map.
Not sure about portal, but AGOL that can be set in the item details of the HFL. Can be set for each layer in the HFS:
No, that's not available in Portal but thanks for the information anyway. I know what to look for. Just don't know where it is. This is the only place I found the ability to choose an editing function. It's configuring the feature when publishing a map to the server.
That's not necessarily right. I published my service with "Allow geometry update without m-value" enabled and it is still not possible to move a point manually on field maps and add the point.
I remember I used to be able to do that however now it seems a point can only be added if I press first the "locate me" button and then the add point turns green.
I'm having the same issue. Did you ever find a solution @vaishalikulkarni00 ?
We were able to resolve this issue by selecting "Apply default to features with z-values" for the published feature service.
That was the issue. It was the z-values. Thanks.
This fixed our issue. Thank you for this!