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Field Maps Offline Areas Cannot Edit

05-10-2023 01:00 PM
Occasional Contributor
I was wondering if anyone could help me with a question related to ArcGIS Online/ArcGIS Field Maps.
I work at a Nature Reserve. Specifically I am having issues with the ability to collect data in the field using ArcGIS Field Maps. We are located in an area without a reliable network, so I designed an offline map area in ArcGIS Field Maps Designer. The issue is that when in the field, using the offline map, we cannot edit the form/collect data at our points.
As you can see in the attached images, in the online version, we can click Edit and collect data. In the offline version, the edit button is not there in the bottom bar.
Any help or insight is appreciated.
I will add that when I create the offline area through the app, I am able to edit. But I'd rather create it in Field Maps Designer for simplicity.
12 Replies
New Contributor

Hi Julia, 

I found this thread and your recommendation to generate/download the offline area directly on the device app and not from Field Maps Designer worked for me! I too agree that this is extremely inconvenient as my team has had to work around not having offline map areas available for over a year (did not realize this was a solution and I have researched workarounds/issues for quite some time). 

I hope this is on the developer's radar, as this is a huge inconvenience. Hopefully others can find this helpful!

New Contributor

Hello everyone, I still have the same error as described by JuliaLawson, I wanted to know if anyone reported the error to ESRI?

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Occasional Contributor

Yes, i have this issue now (July 2024). I made a bunch of Offline areas and no one can use them to collect data, the option to choose a layer is just gone. The online map allows data collection. When I made the offline area on my device directly - which is clunky, and thus much bigger than what I need - it does work. This is very annoying. 

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