Field Maps Crashing and Unable to Open

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11-17-2023 10:36 AM
New Contributor

Hi, our inspector is using field maps for a construction job. The Field Maps application is crashing a few times throughout the day, which is hindering his use. He also is sometimes getting pop-ups that say "Unable to Open, Too many exchange refresh token". Then no maps show up in the application. Eventually it will come back but it happens multiple times throughout the day.

He is using the application on iPad Air (5th Generation).

Any help would be appreciated.

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26 Replies
Occasional Contributor

We are getting the same error on our iPad in field maps.  Has anyone found a solution? It comes up sometimes when submitting an edit (unable to submit) and sometimes when trying to open the map (Unable to open).

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Emerging Contributor

We are having the same issues with our tech in the field on her iPhone when using Fields App. Weirdly I am still using the old Collector app and haven't ran into the same issues. I know that doesn't help as Collector is no longer available for download.  

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Emerging Contributor

Has anyone found a solution to this issue?  I had some of my field crews come in this morning with two iPads that were having this issue.  Had to authenticate multiple times, each time closing Field Maps and going back to the login screen.  I applied an update that was published yesterday from ESRI and logged back in. All seems to work now, but I'm worried that crews will have the same issue again in a few days.

New Contributor

I am having the same error. Why there is no solution still.

New Contributor

I updated the Firmware of GPS device helped.

New Contributor

Same issue. And seriously, no solutions? I've been using Field Maps since it came out and have never seen this issue before. I'm going to try to see if creating an offline map area and using that instead will help.

Was going to attempt the Collector "solution", but I've removed it from my phone. However, I've got a Samsung and my field tech having the issue is using an iPhone. I wonder if this is an Apple-related problem since most questions seem to mention Apple products?

Frequent Contributor

Same issue here, seems to have started occurring recently among our users!


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New Contributor

I contacted ESRI support, and got the response below that worked for us: 

I have seen a similar issue resolved recently for users with SAML logins by reconfiguring the sign-in experience in ArcGIS Field Maps. I recommend taking a look at this documentation that overviews this potential workaround.

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Frequent Contributor

Good to know, but that would be really afwul, to have to tell that to all of our users. We've seen some more calls about Field maps recently, I hope this is not a solution all users have to apply. I'm curious, did ESRI register this as a bug?

New Contributor

Nope. Since it fixed our issue, they didn't consider it a bug. It was relatively easy for our users to implement. However, we only have a few field staff and they weren't all having this issue. It was primarily one person who was using an iPhone. None of our Android users have ever seen the issue.