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Field Map mixing domain values

06-12-2023 08:49 AM
Frequent Contributor


We have experienced the following issue over several months, yet are unable to successfully reproduce it consistently. We collect hundreds of edits per day from our field staff using Field Maps. One map in particular, which has no conditional visibility nor arcade expressions within it's Field Maps form, occassionally mixes up domain values that we catch in our QA process. For example:

  • Field user successfully creates and a new SystemValve
  • The datasource is selected from a domain value and set to "GPS'ed".
  • In office QA it fails validation because the value “GPS'ed” was populated in the “CurrentlyOpened” attribute field.
  • However, "CurrentlyOpened" only has a domain field where values are “Yes” or “No”. 

Again, we've seen this several times and always with the value from the GPS field being found in others where that value is not a feasible option. 

Can anyone advise?

We're running Enterprise 10.9.1



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