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Create Watermarks on images in sde

12-30-2022 10:07 AM
Frequent Contributor

I am trying to move on to Field Maps but one of the critical pieces of our current data collection via Survey123 is the ability to add watermarks on the images taken.  example:  DateTimeStamp, X, Y

I have been reading the below but this does not really do just that... or I might be missing something... I am not looking to create a report. 

Couple questions that arise:

If I am successful in creating a script to post process images and apply a watermark how do I flag them so they are not written to again?

If I do write to them again does it put the watermark over the old one?  Does it mess things up?

Has anyone done this before?  Has anyone postprocessed existing images with a watermark? Please help

I have tried to contact ESRI a few times about when this might be available and all I get is crickets...

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