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Can you send offline maps from Field Map to third-party apps?consumption

04-27-2024 08:36 AM
Emerging Contributor

We are working on a project in which the customer wants to leverage the ability to create offline maps that will be leveraged in a third-party canvassing app.   

Can this be done? 

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

@KendrickFaison2 Good morning and thank you for your question! If you create an offline area in ArcGIS Field Maps, it would not be possible to use them in a third party application. If you wanted to open the offline area in another Esri app, you could use an app link.

Can you tell me some more about the workflow, there might be an alternative solution. 

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Emerging Contributor
Can you email me directly.

Kendrick O. Faison, M.S. GSci
President/CEO at SpatialGIS

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301-442-3914* ­*E* ­*W
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