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Unique constraint on field does not provide the user with a proper error message and breaks point creation

01-27-2023 02:20 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor II

When an attribute field is set to contain unique values in the Field Settings, the ArcGIS Field Maps does not provide the user with a proper error message when the constrain is not uphold.


When the input value is not unique, the user is not explained properly why. It just gives the error message 'Unable to submit. 1 or more attributs failed'.

It is necessary to provide with the same error message for the user as when a field is required and by that highlight the input field in the app. Otherwise the user does not understand why.

Furthermore, once the error message has appeared, it is no longer possible anymore to commit the point to the geodatabase. You must discard it and add a new point with the correct unique value in order to be able to save it.

Screenshot_20230127_105437_Field Maps.jpg