Track how many are using mobile apps

05-02-2023 05:32 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

We would like to know how many people are using ArcGIS Field Maps or any other ArcGIS mobile app. Right now, there is no way to see the number of users for mobile apps. This is crucial to get an idea of the usage, but also to target these people in an organization for support, training and enhancements for maps.


Do you have editor tracking enabled?  Are you able to look at the editors of your different survey feature services & maybe count them by using a script?  How about item views of your field worker layers?


I have been kicking around setting up a Hub initiative and group for users to do announcement & email blasts.


We have some feature layers with editor tracking enabled, but many use mobile apps for viewing purposes only (and love it!). Item views give a good indicator but don't tell us how many exactly are using certain maps. In general, we would love to have more insight in how and when our items are being used, similar to the functionality available in ArcGIS Online.


I was able to implement something similar to the AGOL version on my portal using this blog.  Obviously doesn't have the credits portion, but was able to view items and content modification information.


this is great, thank you! still, something out of the box would be fantastic as well 🙂


One way to measure the use of ArcGIS Field Maps, and other ArcGIS mobile apps, is to track who is logging into the apps and to count the login actions. You can find such information in your ArcGIS Online organization's activity log, and use it to create your own reports, or to visualize the data on a Dashboard. (For example, click on the "Apps" tab in the lower-left of the University of Michigan ArcGIS Usage Dashboard and look at the Field Apps section.)

Using ArcGIS Online's built-in report capabilities (Create and schedule reports), you can download an activity report for your organization to get the necessary data. Or, you can programmatically access the same information via the Portal History REST end-point, if you want to automate things (like in the U-M example above that updates daily.)

In the activity data, the clientId or appId, for ArcGIS Field Maps is "fieldmaps".  You can look for entries with "login" as the action to identify which users are logging into the ArcGIS Field Maps, and count the login events as a proxy for usage.

Note that this approach does not capture the full scope of users' offline use of ArcGIS Field Maps. It only sees those users when they initially login to download a map for offline use or when they sync.

Also, if you are interested in determining how many of your Field Maps users are using iOS versus Android, which can be helpful for training purposes, you might vote for this ArcGIS Field Maps Idea: Include OS in Field Maps appId in usage tracking (i.e, fieldmapsios, fieldmapsandroid)


@PeterKnoop thank you so much for your thorough reply! We will dig into the Portal History REST!