Save map area perimeters as polygons

11-28-2022 07:39 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

An awesome feature would be the ability to save & download the extents of offline map areas as a polygon feature. We would like to create a key showing which map areas are on which web maps within our huge, remote district. Bonus if they can be used to create map areas in a new web map.

We can't first generate polygons in ArcGIS desktop (or as a web map layer) and then trace to make map areas because the size and shape of the map area depends on how big of an area Field Maps will let us "grab" for a particular basemap (e.g., World Imagery).

1 Comment

This would be very handy for me as well. Along with this, we should be able to upload or publish polygons to USE as our offline area boundaries.