Maintain Field Values Hidden with Conditional Visibility

06-09-2022 11:53 AM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor II

When fields are hidden due to conditional visibility, the values are deleted. This is critical data that just doesn't apply to the current form entry. Here is an easy example. Say you are visiting a jobsite 2 times and recording the date separately for each visit. You want to hide the previous visit field; not delete it.


NumberofAttempts - Domain= 1st Attempt, 2nd Attempt




On the first visit, the user sets NumberofAttempts="1st Attempt". The FirstAttemptDate should be visible and required. The SecondAttemptDate should be hidden.

On the second visit the user sets NumberofAttempts="2nd Attempt". The FirstAttemptDate should be hidden. The SecondAttemptDate should be visible and required. 

Currently, when the user sets NumberofAttempts="2nd Attempt", the FirstAttemptDate clears its value when hidden and the data is lost forever. 

This is a simple example but there are many other use cases for maintaining hidden field values. However, I could also see use cases for deleting the values. They just don't apply to any of our company's needs.

I would propose this be a checkbox on the form configuration page under conditional visibility so that existing workflows aren't impacted.


Yes Andrew, we can confirm that this is resolved in 11.1.


Muchos Gracias @JeffShaner !


🍻4 U   

Status changed to: Implemented

This was implemented in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1.


I am still encountering this erasure issue in ArcGIS Online even with this newly added box checked. 

EDIT: For anyone who might encounter the same issue post solution, I found out it was because field crew did not have updated versions of the Field Maps App on their devices. 


I’ve come across what I think is a bug related to this in enterprise 11.1. I have a constraint attribute rule that checks some data and rejects the edit if not correct. When this occurs an error message appears like it should. In my circumstance when a certain field is switched to a certain value, it is locked from editing, and when user clicks submit the constraint is checked. If there is an error, the user has to Cancel the edit, click Edit again to launch the form, which should set it that locked field back to its previous value (unlocking it), but unfortunately that doesn’t occur.

If the user clicks Edit again and the form launches they see the same values as they had before clicking Cancel (field is locked). They have to reload the entire map to get the form to appear correctly. 

edit: I thought have this option disabled fixed the problem, but it appears not.