Our users are finding they have to report very similar things many times along the length of our assets. We are rather specialized of course with flood defences where we might find the same issues with joints every 3m along the length of a 30m wall, but this improved copy functionality would be extremely useful for any linear infrastructure and also for non-linear infrastructure where there are multiple issues of a similar nature in different locations, all of which need to be reported. Our users are saying this could save them 5-10 minutes per issue that they report.
The latest field maps iOS version 23.2.3 build 1019 gives the user the option to copy a feature into a new feature however the related table records are not being copied.
Considering that we have 6 field workers who will continue to collect data over the next 18 months using the Field Maps application, it would be highly beneficial to have additional options in the feature copy menu. Based on the feedback that we had from our users so far the new additional options:
At the feature level that we propose would be (nr 3 & 4😞
- Copy All (existing menu)
- Copy Attributes (existing menu)
- Copy Attributes and Related Data (new suggested menu)
- Copy Attributes, Related Data and Related Data Attachments (new suggested menu)
At the related table record level we propose (nr 2 , 3, 4, 5) . These new options will allow the user to create a new feature and automatically copy or move this related record to that particular feature:
- Copy (existing menu)
- Copy to new feature (new suggested menu)
- Move to new feature (new suggested menu)
- Copy to new feature including attachments (new suggested menu)
- Move to new feature including attachments (new suggested menu)
These options could streamline our data collection process and improve efficiency.
Thank you!