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defining map extent

08-03-2011 08:42 AM
New Contributor II
Is there a way to define a map extent so that users cannot navigate outside a specific area?
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3 Replies
New Contributor
No, there is no way to prevent your users from doing this if you are using one of the standard basemaps. The only workaround I can think of would be to source a basemap which only covers your area of interest. You can then create a new map using this basemap (rather than clicking new map, click the drop down next to it and choose advanced).

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New Contributor II
Thanks Mike.  If I did source a basemap for a specified area and published it with other data such as World Imagery, or USGS Topo; would users still be able to navigate outside the specified basemap area due to the fact that the map has these other datasets?
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New Contributor
Thanks Mike.  If I did source a basemap for a specified area and published it with other data such as World Imagery, or USGS Topo; would users still be able to navigate outside the specified basemap area due to the fact that the map has these other datasets?

The simple answer to your question is yes they would be able to. 

However, any services added to your map will also only draw up to the defined extent of the projection of the basemap.  For example, I have a map with a NAD83 basemap. When I add a global imagery dataset and zoom to full extent I can only see a bit more than North America. 

Additionally you will need set other tile-based layers to be semi-transparent otherwise you won't be able to see your basemap at all.

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