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Adding layers from My Content

03-18-2011 07:55 AM
New Contributor
I'm unable to add, or even find, any layers from "My Content", even though they are uploaded to "My Content".
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11 Replies
New Contributor III
What kind of layers are you trying to use? ArcGIS Explorer Online will only show you service layers that you have My Content. It can not currently draw layers based on layer packages.
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New Contributor
I am having a problem with this as well, I have tried making layers in Arcmap 10 in as many ways as possible and then uploading it to "My Content" but when I go to make a map online, they not one single thing shows up in "My Content". It is extremely frustrating.
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New Contributor
I'm having this problem as well. Nothing shows up under My Content in ArcGIS Explorer, even though my files show up (and are shared with the public) under My Content elsewhere.

Jeff, what is a "service" layer? Is it different from a .lyr file that we would create in ArcMap and upload/share?

And a related question: is there a way to tap into online GIS resources that are not necessarily found when using the Add Layers and searching The Web? For example, I'd like to use resources from, which I am able to access through an ArcIMS connection in ArcMap.
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New Contributor
The answer is that your layers do not show up in MyContent because they are not services.

ArcGIS Explorer Online can only load data which comes from ArcGIS Server - namely map, image and feature services. This type of data is always accessed by a Url. At present to create one of these services you need to have access to an ArcGIS Server.

To answer your specific questions:

  • A .lyr file is a file that represents everything to do with a layer - it's name, scale thresholds, labelling, the symbology it is displayed with etc. The data source itself could be any number of things - shapefile, geodatabase feature class, ArcGIS Server map service etc.  ArcGIS Explorer online cannot load .lyr files.

  • Unless serves the data as ArcGIS Server services you will not be able the data to ArcGIS Explorer Online

Esri is actively working on providing a solution which will allow you to create a service from your data (e.g. shapefile, csv file etc) without having to actually own ArcGIS Server. This process has been demonstrated at a number of conferences recently but it is currently still under development and there is no release date for this as yet.

Mike Rudden
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New Contributor
Thanks, Mike. That is very helpful.

It's too bad there's not a solution yet...I would love to upload some data to make something for the Storytelling with Maps contest.
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New Contributor
And still waiting...
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New Contributor
Yes, still waiting.  Not sure what audience the ArcGIS Online mapping service is targeting currently.  If I already have ArcGIS Server why would I need ArcGIS Online (other than a free hosting service).  And if I don't have ArcGIS Server than the online mapping service is kinda lackluster and practically useless.  Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the effort ESRI.  But please do hurry along with the online server publishing thing.
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Regular Contributor

We are not able to add image services from one of our own ArcGIS Server 10 onto ArcGIS Explorer online (even though I signed in already)? For example, our url like http://myserver:8399/arcgis/services .

In fact, I couldn't find the form like 'Add Layer from Web' within the ArcGIS Explorer online. In other word,  there is no the form or window like the link at (or see the graphics called 'ArcGIS Explorer online_interface.JPG').

Of course, those image services from that server can be added into desktop ArcGIS Explorer (1700).

The answer is that your layers do not show up in MyContent because they are not services.

ArcGIS Explorer Online can only load data which comes from ArcGIS Server - namely map, image and feature services. This type of data is always accessed by a Url. At present to create one of these services you need to have access to an ArcGIS Server.

To answer your specific questions:

  • A .lyr file is a file that represents everything to do with a layer - it's name, scale thresholds, labelling, the symbology it is displayed with etc. The data source itself could be any number of things - shapefile, geodatabase feature class, ArcGIS Server map service etc.  ArcGIS Explorer online cannot load .lyr files.

  • Unless serves the data as ArcGIS Server services you will not be able the data to ArcGIS Explorer Online

Esri is actively working on providing a solution which will allow you to create a service from your data (e.g. shapefile, csv file etc) without having to actually own ArcGIS Server. This process has been demonstrated at a number of conferences recently but it is currently still under development and there is no release date for this as yet.

Mike Rudden
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New Contributor
Hi Larry,

Your screenshot shows of the Add Content popover shows that you are in the right place to add ArcGIS Server services to Explorer Online.  You should just be able to enter the service url into the text box then add the found result.  This is described in more detail in the Explorer Online help.

Try the following:

1. Assuming that service directory browsing is enabled on your arcgis server - try to find your content simply using a web browser. Enter the url to your services -   http://myserver.domainname/arcgis/rest/services/  .Then browse down to your image service and copy the url. Note that i've fully qualified the server name and that the url contains 'rest'

2. Paste the url into the add content popover in Explorer Online and try again

Failing that have a look at the Troubleshooting section in the Explorer Online hlep for some more tips

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