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Installing ArcGIS Explorer 2500 on Windows 8.1  FIXED in 2505

07-19-2013 02:31 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
The ArcGIS Explorer Desktop 2500 setup.exe validator does not correctly validate Windows 8.1 Preview.  You can still install and use ArcGIS Explorer Desktop 2500 on Windows 8.1 by doing the following:

run the installer, this will download and unpack the install files on your computer.  By default it will place the files in

In this folder you can run the AllUsers.msi or PerUser.msi to install the software.

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22 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

Same thing is happening to me.  I tried installing the 2500 version with Windows 8.1 and could get old maps to open.  Now I have the 2505 install.  It installed - well, there was an error about an F drive, but I found the setup.exe file buried in my users directory.  It installed.  But now when I try to open it just hangs.  Sometimes if I open an old map file it will open, but it will give me that same jumpy screen.  I try and change symbol settings and it just jumps back so that I cannot set anything.  I'm a GIS specialist at work and they call me at home sometimes.  I'd love to be able to help out from home, but I cannot get this bleeping thing to work!!!! So frustrating.  No support for Windows 8.1 - come on.

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Occasional Contributor II

Karen, I know this sounds cliche' but reboot then retry to start AGX, it works for me sometimes. . .

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Occasional Contributor II

I got it to finally work but not sure how.  I uninstalled and cleaned everything ESRI out of the Registry.  That still didn't work. (I had another problem of inadvertently replacing all the Basemaps with a map I did).  But I somehow did a reset of the app (in settings, not at my 8.1 machine now). And the flickering stopped and the app worked.  It may stop again as that seems to be it's behaviour.  One day it works and the next time you launch it just hangs.  I really would have rather kept Windows 7 but oh well. I was also wondering if it had anything to do with the graphics driver as my Dell laptop has the Intel 4000.  But if you run the ESRI test to see if the app will work on your machine everything checks out.  I do remember tweaking a setting on the graphics, kind of lowering the quality since on Windows 7 machines the app automatically does that.  Maybe that's where it hangs on 8.

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Esri Regular Contributor


Part of the problem description that you gave sounds similar to these threads.

Adjusting your Internet Explorer LAN Settings may help.

For the hang on start issue.  If ArcGIS Explorer starts some times and hangs other times, it may be an internet connection or service access problem during the start up.  If ArcGIS Explorer does not get a response from some of the service requests, it doesn't time out, and just waits (hangs).

This can be tested for by disconnecting your computer from the internet.  On a computer where you have successfully run ArcGIS Explorer in the past, if you disconnect from the internet, ArcGIS Explorer should still start up, a '502' response will be returned and ArcGIS Explore will just move on with the start up.

If while disconnected you still get a hang, then we would want to look at things that may have changed on the computer.

The #1 thing to look for is a system update the changed a graphics card driver.

Was anything (other software) done that changed graphics card settings?

If you have a default map  "My Default Map.nmf" in your Documents\ArcGIS Explorer folder.  Rename the file so ArcGIS Explorer will not open it on start, perhaps there is something recently added to it, that is causing an issue ??


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Occasional Contributor II

changing the arcgisConnectionbin.exe file to run in Windows 7 mode fixed the problem.  Seemingly for good (for now)!

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Occasional Contributor II
The flashing and stealing of the cursor issue is still there for my co-worker with the Dell Inspiron running Win 8.1.

Here is an example of what happens.

I open AGX, and the top bar on the screen is typically blue, but erratically every few seconds it flashes to gray. and when it does this is steals the cursor from what ever program is active on the PC. I.E. If I have AGX 2505 open on his PC and I open a new e-mail or a new calendar item in MS Outlook, each time it flashes it steals the cursor and you have to re-click in the e-mail or calendar and start typing again.

This is a similar problem that I had above and When I had this problem I uninstalled AGX and just stopped using it, then several months passed and I re-installed and the problem was not present.

There could be a PC setting that this relates to, but I am not sure what it would be, maybe it is some other program interacting with AGX.

If anyone else ever has this flashing and stealing of the cursor from the active window, please let me know what type of PC and operating system you experience this with.

Best Regards,
John Nowlin
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Occasional Contributor II
I found another issue with 2505, which I think was a problem with 2500 as well, when you click on the menu circle (sorry I am not sure of the actual name of this button) in the top left hand corner there is a long pause and the button turns orange. it takes up to 30 seconds for the menu to drop down after clicking this button.

Best Regards,
John Nowlin
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

This is feedback about 2505.

I downloaded it today and installed build 2505 over 2500 on Win 8.1, but it wouldn't open, the splash screen just sat there for 10 minutes until I ended the task in task manager. I got this same result when trying to open an existing .nmf file. I rebooted and tried again and I had the same issues. Then I uninstalled, reinstalled, and retried, and again the splash screen just sits there, then I rebooted and it opened. . . shew!!

Now it was working on My Dell Optiplex 3010 PC.

Then I installed it on my Dell XPS 12 tablet running win 8.1 and this time I uninstalled build 2500 and installed 2505 from fresh. It hung up after install like above so I rebooted, and then it worked when trying to open an existing .nmf file.

Now it was working on two machines.

Then I went to a Dell Inspiron, of a co-worker, runnning Win 8.1 and installed build 2505 and he had never had any version of AGX on that machine.  I had a similar experience with my tablet, except after the reboot it initially didn't work, and I tried to open the .nmf and it opened.

It installed fine on another PC with Win 7,

Just keeping you up-to-date I have it running on 4 machines now.

Best Regards,
John Nowlin

From another thread I p osted in: AGX opening on 8/8.1 has been and continues to be an issue. There are a  few threads about this. Basically you have to keep task manager open and  open AGX, close E3.exe, open AGX, close E3.exe, rinse and repeat. I  went back to Windows 7 and have had no issues.
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The package consists of a set of work flow driven scripts that you can use to create VM Images, deploy working sites. Future updates will be provided that add functionality to automate user work flow in the area of security, multi-node deployment, and auto-scalable configurations, among others.

trojan computer virus removal

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Occasional Contributor II

I tried top open ArcGIS Explorer Desktop Build 2505 (on windows 8.1 desktop) last week during a web presentation and it just sat there with the splash screen up and wouldn't open. It was embarrassing. I ended task, started application again, same result, following the presentation I rebooted my PC, then it opened . . . ugh.


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