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ArcGIS Explorer 2500 discussion

06-27-2012 05:19 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
Questions and comments in regards to ArcGIS Explorer 2012 beta and the ArcGIS Explorer 2500 release.

ArcGIS Explorer Team
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158 Replies
New Contributor

A couple of things I have noted.

The application crashes when you drag your mouse over the attributes table (when accessing file geodatabases).
The 'Find' tool still doesnt show up address results for Australia.

Given the ArcGIS World Geocoding Service, why has this not been incorporated into the product?


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New Contributor
Is it possible to connect to ArcGIS for Server 10.1? i am not sure what to put in the 'Service' field.

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New Contributor III
Does anyone have an idea of a release date?

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MVP Frequent Contributor
what month/quarter is this due for release?
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New Contributor III
Can you share crash dump?


I've been away a few weeks that's why I just saw your message now. Can you tell me where to get the Crash dump? I don't receive any error message when crashing.

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New Contributor
Tries a clean installation of the beta on a Windows-7 6b bit OS and failed.
After overwriting some files, the installation stalls with a "runtime error"
Any ideas?
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New Contributor
Hi guys,

I�??ve been recently testing ArcExplorer (build 1750 & 2012 Beta) and was hoping other people have seen similar behaviour with their testing and if anyone from ESRI are in a position to say these will be fixed in the release version. To give a little background as to my map setup, I�??ve created 1 layer package from ArcGIS Desktop that contains 330 feature layers under various group layers. I�??ve projected all my data into a single projection in order to improve performance. Forgive me if any of these points have been discussed in some detail in other posts.

Here is what I�??ve seen;

1. Transparency:
a. Layer transparencies that are active when viewed in ArcMap are not applied in ArcExplorer, why is this?
b. However, when a query is applied to a dataset the resulting layer which gets added to the top of the TOC does have transparency applied which tells me that transparencies do work in the application but not with layers coming from a layer package.

2. Layer state behaviour:
a. Even though some layers are checked on, they do not appear in the map until the parent group layer is fully toggled on. It is like you have to �??nudge�?? the application to turn on the layers. When delivering the maps to non-GIS professionals we want to give a consistent look and this behaviour doesn�??t help give us the confidence we are looking for.
b. When a group layer is turn off and on, none of the layer states of the sub-layers are preserved. This is not the way it works in ArcMap, has anyone seen this behavior?
c. Is there a way to move layers up and down in the TOC that have been added as a group layer?

3. Maptips:
a. Is there a way to format the maptips. I�??ve got carriage returns in some of my maptip expression when used in ArcMap , however when viewed in Explorer, these aren�??t being shown, instead its one single line.

4. The Legend:
a. This only refreshes once users re-select the group layer in the legends drop down. Can this be made automatic?

5. The Identify feature box:
a. This disappears once I�??ve selected a category to interrogate, unlike in ArcGIS which keeps the identify tool open?
b. When this does close, it always re-opens at the same size. Can it remember the same it was when it was last used?

6. Max Extents:
a. I�??ve seen a few posts about setting max extents in the map, but haven�??t been able to accomplish this myself. Is there an option in the setup for this?
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New Contributor


My main issue with ArcGIS Explorer in this Beta and previous versions is when trying to label a map note in arabic
its not shown correctly but as a title its fine and as the new map text its also fine. I have attached a screen shot
of the issue.

M Al Riyami
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New Contributor III
Hi when is the realease date of Arcgis Explorer 2013 ? or 2012?
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Regular Contributor II
Mark Bockenhauer - this is the slowest release of a new build I have ever seen from Esri.  We are six months into "2012 beta" and 15 months with build 1750.  This is an important application for many of us and more frequent updates regarding the status of the new build would be much appreciated.  Build 2013 will be out when? Approximately?
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