Following the notes at step 9 of the install guide we have been hosting Experience Builder at a subdirectory behind our proxy.
In v1.13 this appears to be broken - login no longer works (stuck at the page subdirectory/page/set-portalurl with the ExB loading icon but no form).
The following error is thrown:
index.js:1 Error: Should signIn
at QS.failedToInitSession (index.js:2:483193)
at QS.<anonymous> (index.js:2:483026)
at (<anonymous>)
at a (index.js:2:478493)
Are you on SSO? There is a known bug preventing SSO users from logging in to 1.13.
ExB Dev Edition - Enterprise Login - Esri Community
Thanks but nope - just using standard ArcGIS login. If we run ExB without the path parameter works fine. Have also tested clearing storage / using incognito.
Have also tested with signin-info.json present and not present.
The cause of this issue appears to be some regex in the "initSession" function (looking at the compiled jimu-core/index.js).
initSession() {
return XS(this, void 0, void 0, (function*() {
const e = window.location.pathname;
if (/^\/page\/set-portalurl/.test(e) || /^\/page\/landing/.test(e))
return Promise.resolve();
Will only match /page/set-portalurl, not /[path]/page/set-portal.
@Junshan_Liu could this be considered / patched?
@JoshGore wrote:Following the notes at step 9 of the install guide we have been hosting Experience Builder at a subdirectory behind our proxy.
In v1.13 this appears to be broken - login no longer works (stuck at the page subdirectory/page/set-portalurl with the ExB loading icon but no form).The following error is thrown:
index.js:1 Error: Should signIn
at QS.failedToInitSession (index.js:2:483193)
at QS.<anonymous> (index.js:2:483026)
at (<anonymous>)
at a (index.js:2:478493)
Hi @JoshGore we'll take a look at this issue soon and check whether we can patch it.
perfect thanks!
this works!
If you are also finding this post some months later, an alternative to the mentioned patch in v1.13 is to upgrade to v1.14; I tested and it is resolved in v1.14.