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v1.13 ISSUE: Now Unable to Login when hosting at subdirectory

12-20-2023 06:26 PM
Occasional Contributor

Following the notes at step 9 of the install guide we have been hosting Experience Builder at a subdirectory behind our proxy.
In v1.13 this appears to be broken - login no longer works (stuck at the page subdirectory/page/set-portalurl with the ExB loading icon but no form).

The following error is thrown:

index.js:1 Error: Should signIn
    at QS.failedToInitSession (index.js:2:483193)
    at QS.<anonymous> (index.js:2:483026)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at a (index.js:2:478493)
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8 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Are you on SSO? There is a known bug preventing SSO users from logging in to 1.13.

ExB Dev Edition - Enterprise Login - Esri Community

GIS Developer
City of Arlington, Texas
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Occasional Contributor

Thanks but nope - just using standard ArcGIS login. If we run ExB without the path parameter works fine. Have also tested clearing storage / using incognito.
Have also tested with signin-info.json present and not present.

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Occasional Contributor

The cause of this issue appears to be some regex in the "initSession" function (looking at the compiled jimu-core/index.js). 


                        initSession() {
                            return XS(this, void 0, void 0, (function*() {
                                const e = window.location.pathname;
                                if (/^\/page\/set-portalurl/.test(e) || /^\/page\/landing/.test(e))
                                    return Promise.resolve();


Will only match /page/set-portalurl, not /[path]/page/set-portal.

@Junshan_Liu could this be considered / patched?


@JoshGore wrote:

Following the notes at step 9 of the install guide we have been hosting Experience Builder at a subdirectory behind our proxy.
In v1.13 this appears to be broken - login no longer works (stuck at the page subdirectory/page/set-portalurl with the ExB loading icon but no form).

The following error is thrown:


index.js:1 Error: Should signIn
    at QS.failedToInitSession (index.js:2:483193)
    at QS.<anonymous> (index.js:2:483026)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at a (index.js:2:478493)


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Frequent Contributor

Hi @JoshGore we'll take a look at this issue soon and check whether we can patch it.

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Occasional Contributor

perfect thanks!

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Frequent Contributor
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Occasional Contributor

this works!

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Frequent Contributor

If you are also finding this post some months later, an alternative to the mentioned patch in v1.13 is to upgrade to v1.14; I tested and it is resolved in v1.14.

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