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Shadowcast analysis does not clear

11-01-2023 09:31 AM
Occasional Contributor

I'm using the 3D toolbox in Experience Builder, the shadowcast analysis does not clear when 'Clear Analysis' is clicked. The shadows then stay permanently on the screen. Is this a bug? It didn't use to do this.


Same / similar problem as in this Instant app issue


10 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor


Thanks for your feedback. This should be a regression bug in 3D Toolbox widget. We will fix asap.


Occasional Contributor

Thank you. The quicker the better, it makes the tool and the whole app unusable by my customers who need it to help make planning decisions.

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Regular Contributor

Shadow cast now works in Instant apps, but not in EB.
There are two bugs:

  1. Clear doesn't work
  2. Date selector appears "underneath" the main widget window, hard to access it to choose date.

Both theese things are fine in Instant Apps

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @SveinungBertnesRåheim ,

I am not able to repro either of the issue in ExB now. Would you be able to try again? 


0 Kudos
Regular Contributor

There has been an evolution in the problems:
Clear now removes the analysis from the map. 
Date selector is still the same. You have to change the size of the shadow cast widget frame to be able to see the month and date selector.
After clicking "Clear analysis", the results are removed from the map and the shadow cast dialog is closed, back to 3d toolbox. If I open the shadow cast again, nothing happens. No results are prodused. I have to refresh my browser to get it work again.
So still a way to go, it seems!
The widget is available in this public EB-setup:


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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @SveinungBertnesRåheim ,

Yes we notice the second problem that open shadow cast again, nothing happened. And we are fixing it now. The current workaround is to drag/zoom in/ zoom out the map, the analysis will show. 

For the first issue about Date selector, we cannot repro in our app. But thanks for sharing your app, and we see the problem there. We will investigate soon. 


Occasional Contributor

Hi @Wei_Ying, the issue I was seeing seems to be resolved and the date selector works fine in a side bar in EB.

Thank you.

Regular Contributor

Can you share your app? I have created an EB from blank templene. Added the 3d toolbox to the app.

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Occasional Contributor

Hi @SveinungBertnesRåheim sorry, I cant share my app as it's internal for my organisations use only. But I have found that the Shadow Cast tool works fine if used in a side bar as shown in my original screen shot.