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Selecting multiple overlapping features with default mouse click

04-19-2024 08:02 AM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor


I have a layer with multiple spatially coincident polygons (e.g. multiple copies of the same building footprint, each with different facility info). In Experience Builder, I would like to use the default mouse click (not the Select widget), to select all features intersecting with the clicked location, not just the feature that is drawn on top. I would then like to filter my list widget and populate the feature info widgets with the selected records. 

I can do this with the Select widget, but the interface of that tool is needlessly complex for this use case and does not offer much in the way of configuration options (can't even change the default border color or text color, ugh). 

I could also modify the underlying data structure to relate a standalone facilities table  to single building footprints, but would rather not mess with that if possible. 

Is there a way to do what I am asking? Any help is greatly appreciated. 

3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

@DJ_ULCGIS You can enable the Select tool inside the Map widget, for simplified cases if you do not need the full function of the Select widget:



Occasional Contributor

@TonghuiMing  I strongly agree with the idea's author in the point that the current select tool (both Select widget and the tool within the Map widget) is too complex for this use-case. I have a public application with social care facilities where several facilities/services can be located at the same address, i.e. several point features with the same geometry. My expectation would be that a user clicks on a point in the map and gets a list (in a List widget) of all social care services located at that address.

First, the select tool in the Map widget would take 2 corners of the map widget which I can't afford as I have other widgets in there, on top of the Map widget.

Second, it is very user unfriedly! My users are not GIS people, they are only using this application as a map catalogue to quickly check out the social service facilities available, I don't think it would even cross their mind to activate the select tool if they see that you can normally select a point by just clicking on it in the map (a very intuitive thing to try in the first place).

Please think of users from the general public, not only professionals used to working with GIS software, and consider providing the possibility of this simple multiple features select.

Esri Regular Contributor

@SydorukMariya Thank you very much for the detailed feedback. We will evaluate this. @KeXu