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"Select All" rows of a list or table widgets

08-28-2021 09:19 AM
Regular Contributor


I have a list widget that is populated through a message from another widget. I need a way to select all the rows with a button, a "select all" button. The same button on a table would help as well.

Any ideas?



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9 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

@MarceloRosensaft - unfortunately we have not supported this and probably will not support it for the time being. Providing a "Select all" feature can be risky when the data amount is too large (say over 1 million) and then using it will cause performance issues, even crash the app.

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Thank you for your response!

That's very unfortunate because the reason I need the "select all" functionality is to workaround a bug with the Action/Triggers system.


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Is there a limitation on the amount of selected records?

I'm asking because I have a table with about 10000 records and I set a trigger on a list to receive about 2500 of them. If the trigger just filters the data I get the 2500 but if the trigger selects the data I never get more than 1980.

Thank you in advance,


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Esri Contributor

Hi Marcelo,

There should be no limitation on selections. Could you please provide us a sample app so we can target the issue?



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Hello Dan,

I will prepare a text with the explanation of the system and the problem and will post it here.

Thank you in advance,


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Hello Dan,

Thank you for your response.

Following is a description of part of my system:

  1. I have a table with about 10000 records (fossil specimens - the specimens table)
  2. The table is related to a FC with about 350 points (localities where the fossils were found - the localities FC) in a many-to-one relationship
  3. The specimen table has a field that contains the genus of the specimen. The genus is not an unique field and there’re about 130 values
  4. There is a table that contains the ~130 genus values - the genus table

What the user of the app wants to achieve is:

  1. Select a genus value from the unique list. Let say genus==X
  2. Filter the specimens by the selected genus and get only the specimens with genus X
  3. Filter the localities list and the localities map accordingly, so they display only the localities where specimens with genus X were found

Following are the widgets of the page:

  1. A filter widget based on the genus table - W1
  2. A list widget based on the genus table - W2
  3. A list widget based on the specimen table - W3
  4. A list widget based on the locality FC - W4
  5. A map widget based on the locality FC - W5

This is how it is implemented today:

  1. The user selects one genus value in W1
    1. The filter widget does not have a trigger so it filters W2 but it doesn’t select anything
  2. The widget W2 shows the genus selected in W1
  3. The user selects manually the one genus in W2
    1. This step could be done automatically if the widget filter could trigger some selection action on a list
    2. If there’s something selected from a previous run, the results are strange what may be quite confusing to the user.
  4. The selection action on W2 triggers a filter on the specimen table (framework) and a selection on the same specimen table. As a result, W3 is filtered and its records are selected
    1. If I apply a counter on the amount of records, for an expected large result, the result is either 1980 or 99 but not the real amount. It looks like there is a limit on the amount of records selected
  5. The user must manually unselect one record in W3 and select it again
    1. This is because W3 should trigger a filter on the localities table (framework) and on the localities map but this trigger doesn’t work unless the user does some manual selection
  6. W4 and W5 display the localities required, the ones related to specimens with the selected genus
    1. The localities displayed are less than the expected because of the limitation on the amount of specimen records selected

I hope my explanation is clear because due to a problem in my enterprise portal I cannot prepare screenshots to show the widgets and the data behind them.

Thank you in advance,


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Regular Contributor

Hello Dan,

Thank you for your response.

Following is a description of part of my system:

  1. I have a table with about 10000 records (fossil specimens - the specimens table)
  2. The table is related to a FC with about 350 points (localities where the fossils were found - the localities FC) in a many-to-one relationship
  3. The specimen table has a field that contains the genus of the specimen. The genus is not an unique field and there’re about 130 values
  4. There is a table that contains the ~130 genus values - the genus table

What the user of the app wants to achieve is:

  1. Select a genus value from the unique list. Let say genus==X
  2. Filter the specimens by the selected genus and get only the specimens with genus X
  3. Filter the localities list and the localities map accordingly, so they display only the localities where specimens with genus X were found

Following are the widgets of the page:

  1. A filter widget based on the genus table - W1
  2. A list widget based on the genus table - W2
  3. A list widget based on the specimen table - W3
  4. A list widget based on the locality FC - W4
  5. A map widget based on the locality FC - W5

This is how it is implemented today:

  1. The user selects one genus value in W1
    1. The filter widget does not have a trigger so it filters W2 but it doesn’t select anything
  2. The widget W2 shows only the genus selected in W1
  3. The user selects manually the one genus in W2
    1. This step could be done automatically if the widget filter could trigger some selection action on a list
    2. If there’s something selected from a previous run, the results are strange what may be quite confusing to the user.
  4. The selection action on W2 triggers a filter on the specimen table (framework) and a selection on the same specimen table. As a result, W3 is filtered and its records are selected
    1. If I apply a counter on the amount of records, for an expected large result, the result is either 1980 or 99 but not the real amount. It looks like there is a limit on the amount of records selected
  5. The user must manually unselect one record in W3 and select it again
    1. This is because W3 should trigger a filter on the localities table (framework) and on the localities map but this trigger doesn’t work unless the user does some manual selection
  6. W4 and W5 display the localities required, the ones related to specimens with the selected genus

I hope my explanation is clear because due to a problem in my enterprise portal I cannot prepare screenshots to show the widgets and the data behind them.

Thank you in advance,


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Esri Contributor

Hi @MarceloRosensaft , 

Thanks for providing the detailed steps and it helps. The behavior you saw is confirmed a bug and we will try to address it. But please be aware that there is a limitation on the number of selections, referring to the value of MaxRecordCount parameter defined in the feature layer service. 

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