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Query widget - unexpected results using Selected features from data source

05-25-2023 10:09 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

I'm building a query tool to help implement a new regulation. I need to identify all zoning district heights within 1 mile of a given parcel, using the parcel boundaries as the starting point. For the attached example, in Pro using "Within" & "1 miles" my query for a specific parcel returns 117 results.

Doing the same query in EB returns either 0 results if I use "Within" and 607 results if I use "Intersect". 

Looking at the map scale in EB, the search radius appears to be going out approximately 3 miles instead of 1.

Some screenshots are attached.

I suspect I'm doing something wrong but have watched a couple of tutorials and don't see what I'm missing. Any advice for correcting this is appreciated!

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