I have an issue whereby a map layer (the main clustered one) is not displaying but is active and otherwise works in the EB app.
Here you can see it displays correctly in an Instant App: https://forge-sa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/media/index.html?appid=e87a957705e74e2295beb3086b2a8c5...
But doesn't work in this Experience Builder App: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/411143f1040b49b684ab8d4507ca4d6e/
Any insight welcome
The XB doesn't appear to be shared publicly.
My apologies. It is now public.
Hi MichaelHalley,
The map layers are both displaying in the two apps. Am I missing something?
Hey Ke
Thanks for looking into it. For some reason, on my end the issue persists.
I suspect it must be a caching issue, because it works in an incognito tab.