As far as I have experienced, Experience builder does not read or support established relationships. But! EB makes it possible to establish relationships regardless of defined relationships with Actions.
My issue:
I have a line dataset with track segments. Theese track segments are related to different maintracks. On maintrack consists of many segments. And one segment can be related to many maintracks. This is a classic many-to-many relationship.
It is built in ArcGISpro and then published to one feature service. The feature service consists of
In Experience builder, I have
I have added theese actions to listwidget1:
This put up a one-to many-connection between the maintrack-table and the relation-table.
Then I have added List-widget2 with the relation-table. For this table, I have added joins(Actions) both ways, to the map-features and to the maintracktable.
This widget has a many to one relationship to the line feature service (the tracks). I.e. one track segment can relate to many rows in the relationship-table.
My theory is / what I want to do is:
When I select a row in List1 (Main tracks), I filter and select all common rows in the relationtable. This relation-table has action to filter and select track segments in the line feature service in the map. The result should be filtered and selected track segments in the map.
This does not happen. It will happen if I interact with list2 with the mouse. If I click ONE time in list2, the filter and select in the map is activated. EB does not recognize the filter and selection before I have physically clicked in the list. Although the list is already filtered and selected through the action in list1.
The map consists of test data and is publicly available:
The map also inclueds the Elevation profile widget. I hoped to activate that one as well, but nothing happens
If anyone wants to try to set up the case, here is the hosted feature service:
Anyone who know if I am doing something wrong or if the zoom to - function will be possible to use in this scenario?
Hi SveinungBertnesRåheim,
Currently, standalone tables cannot zoom to or pan to features on the map, even though they are related.
We'll think about how this problem can be solved.