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Facing error while adding web maps in Exp Builder Dev 1.15

08-18-2024 07:40 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hello all,

We have recently installed offline version of ArcGIS Experience Builder 1.15 Dev edition.

Error: "Item does not exist or is inaccessible"

Surely the item exists, what permissions can this be missing? Maps are shared publicly.

We are not able to add any maps into the builder, unsure what is triggering this and if anyone can guide us with the solution/workaround?


Dev logs does not reveal anything fishy.


10 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi @Grant-S-Carroll, do have any thoughts on this?

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So I have a few questions:

I presume that you already tried clicking on 'add data' and either browsing for a the map in your AGOL/Enterprise account (possibly under your group or organization?) 

If you did, and didn't find the Map Service, It could perhaps mean, that the instance of portal that its attached and signed into might be wrong?  You may need to log out and put in the right EXB portal URL?

I have at times seen issues with some FeatureServices, where I had to get the url, with a valid token and add it Via URL, but you were talking about Maps here, which makes me think the issue is perhaps more likely to be on eof:



  • The map is private, belonging to one individual (and you can't see or add it)
  • The Map is assigned to a group, or maybe a different group which you are not a member of (and you can't see or add it)

  • The Map is actually published under a different base URL potentially.

    if you look in the browser address bar, to the left, does it show any issues with Site Certificates?  I remember sometimes those can cause strange issues if they aren't updated.
Frequent Contributor

Thank you @TimWestern  for sharing you thoughts.

We did some more testing and it seems like an issue with in-accurate configuration of exp builder.

Can you kindly confirm if the process of hosting JSAPI in our offline env is same as mentioned in the doc below:

This doc is old, but seems like we do not have any updated one to cross-validate?

Our root IIS folder directory looks like this, is it correct?



@Asrujit_SenGupta , do you have any thoughts on this?

@TianWen can you help us?


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I'm not sure what in your IIS setup you are asking about.

My understanding is custom widgets can be hosted on any server through IIS (it sdoesn't have to be on exactly the same server as enterprise)

The reason is because inside of portal you can configure a Widget for EXB with a custom URL path to load, and it should pick it up when you load the editing dashboard. (That configuration i through a web browser, but only admins I think have rights to create those.)

now sometimes an experience, a service, a table, a map, can be published, but ony the publisher has rights. (easily fixed by that person sharing it with a group, or your entire organization)

As far as the JS API questions, that's beyond the scope of what I have encountered and worked with at present, so I can't advise on that being correct or not.

SO things I had to learn to keep in mind.

From Arc GIS Pro WHen Publishing:

  • What portal signed in to
  • (Which portal may be active)

  • What sharing rights are setup
    • My Content (Only I as publisher can see and access
    • Groups (ANyone within the group of users (this might include external users) I select can access

    • Organization (anyone with logins in the organization/company can access
    • Public/Everyone

  • THe vast majority of the access problems I have seen have been of the type, Not shared in group, or to organization.

The side bar for add data has some options:

They can help you select a Web Map, a Web scene, Layers, or use a url directly from another GIS service
and on the right side are categories of permissions type (just like the sharing permissions I mentioned)




  • My Content - You published it for your own use, its here
  • My Groups - You published it and shared with a specific group of users (someone else may have published while sharing with the group also
  • My Organization - Your Organization/company wide content that has been shared
  • ArcGIS Online - It was published to ArcGIS Online
  • Living Atlas - it was published to ArcGIS Living Atlas

    If you aren't finding your map under any of these, then it either has insufficient permissions/sharing with wrong group or organization.
    Or because local Dev Edition of Exb authenticates via client token through a portal URL, you may be connected to the wrong portal.

    If none of this helps, I'm not sure what else might help at this time.


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Occasional Contributor

@Yogesh_Chavan Can you add new data through add new data button? Is all data unavailable or only the current data unavailable?

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Frequent Contributor

@BolanChen, thank you for looking.

All the data is available, just that we cannot add it in the experience builder.



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Occasional Contributor


I mean can you add other new data via Add new data button? Can they be used normally in map?

Frequent Contributor

No @BolanChen , it trigger the same issue when using the add new option in the map widget or through the add data option in the experience builder, works for only Feature services.



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Occasional Contributor

It seems that the problem is that the data cannot be used. You can check the network to confirm whether there is a problem with your map service or you do not have permission to access the data.

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