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Experience Builder Crashing with iOS Devices

02-23-2024 11:18 AM
Labels (2)
New Contributor II

Has anyone been having issues with iOS devices and Experience Builder? We transitioned our main County map to Experience Builder last October and quickly received a bunch of complaints that it was buggy and crashing. Trying with my available devices of an Android Phone and Windows Desktop we had/have no issues. We finally had an internal user contact us and figured out it was specific to iOS devices. We did more testing with old and new devices with old iOS versions and the newest and experienced issues with our application crashing. Sometimes it would crash every single time the application was accessed. Sometimes it took a bit of clicking on different features or turning widgets off and on. However, it was persistent and would eventually crash and reload.

We have been working with ESRI on a solution. They have mostly pointed to some old bugs about iOS memory limitations. We were using AGOL for this, but recently upgraded our Enterprise to 11.2 and tried some new Experience Builder applications on there and have had the same crashing issues. When testing I have noticed the applications load very slowly on iOS. I can access it multiple times and zoom in, click on a feature, reload, and do it again before the iOS device even loads the first time.

The error we usually get if we can capture it says "This webpage reloaded because a problem occurred". We have had times where the app just didn't load and it says "Load Failed". A lot of times the map just crashes and reloads back to the splash screen.

I have found a number of other posts, but no real solutions if anything has fixed the issues or helped. We did eventually simplify our mobile version of the application and use hosted feature services in AGOL. This mostly mitigated the issues, but it is still present and will crash when taxed with several layers on and selecting a feature.

4 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Hello, we are experiencing the exact same problem. The application randomly reloads. Only happens on iOS devices, other devices are fine. Seems behavior you described and showed in your video. Seems to happen particularly when zooming to features.

Have you found a solution? Did Esri support say anything else? We had a case open with Esri support last year but they were not able to reproduce the problem on their end.

Our environment:

ExB Developer Edition 1.14

JS API: 4.29

ArcGIS Enterprise: 10.9.1

New Contributor III

Hello!  Is there a solution for this problem ?

we don't know what to do with all the bugs

We use ExB 1.14

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Occasional Contributor

No solution afaik. We have an open case with Esri and they are looking into it, but no workarounds so far.

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New Contributor

Having similar experience...  

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