I have an Experience Builder application constructed in ArcGIS Online. I am encountering a strange behavior that seems to affect any new layers added to the source web map. The behavior is - each time the user uses the Bookmarks widget, the layer visibility switches off. If they want to see that layer after using a bookmark, then they have to go into the Layers widget to switch it back on again.
I have encountered this error several times now, and the only way to make it stop is by deleting the Bookmarks widget and entirely recreating it. Unfortunately, in this case I have 20 or so custom configured bookmarks, so recreating the widget will be a royal pain. Also, even after recreating the widget, the error can reoccur.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
"Ignore layer visibility" will be add in next release 2024R2. That will help.
Hi @kaifeiji , do you know in what version of Enterprise this option will be available?
11.3 I guess.
Enterprise 11.5 according to Re: Experience Builder - Bookmark Widget - turning... - Page 2 - Esri Community