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Embed an Operations Dashboard and use an Ops Dashbaord URL Parameter

10-13-2020 02:42 PM
Occasional Contributor

I know I can embed an Ops Dashboard into an Embedded Content but is there a way I can pass a parameter e.g. using an expression so I can take advantage of Ops Dashboard URL Parameters to have the Dashboard filter to a selected record in my Experience Builder app?  For example, I filter a county in Experience builder.  I want the county-id to be passed to the Dashboard via URL parameter to only show items in the Dashboard matching that county-id.

I would be open to any other suggestion to allow filtering of the embedded Dashboard so it is in sync with the Experience Builder session.

2 Replies
New Contributor III

Jonathan, you should first enable the URL parameter to filter the county table in ops dashboard with your query string param: /portal/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/dashboardItemId?YourURLParam=countyid. Next, add the county layer to data in the experience. You can now use a map action trigger for Select Data Records to set the target (county selection in XB) and action layer (county feature layer added as data) based on county id. 

Now, in your embed widget insert a website expression to pass the county id of the selected county in the map. It would look something like ""+{CountyId}. Your embeded dashboard will now sync with the selected county! 

MVP Esteemed Contributor

And after type out that whole dashboard URL, head over to this idea and upvote adding the ability to paste text into the expression builder.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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