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Edit Widget - Stuck in Loop once Edits Made (due to filter on Web Map)

01-03-2025 08:24 AM
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Occasional Contributor


I have previously posted about issues with editing related tables using the Edit Widget in Web Experience Builder but I have now come across a new issue.

The Web Experience I am creating is designed for the Quality Assurance (QA) of Survey Data collected using Field Maps. We want to have three different stages of QA, these being QA1, QA2 and QA3. In our datasets we have a series of QA1, QA2 and QA3 fields which collect data on the QA status of each survey record.

We have set up 3 maps (one for each QA Stage) with the same datasets but with a Filter on the QA fields so that only records that are at QA1 Status are shown on the QA1 Map etc. When a record has passed through QA1 the QA1 Status field will be changed to "Passed", the filter in the QA1 Web Map is set to only show records where QA1 Status is not Passed, thus when the field is changed to "Passed" the record will no longer display in the QA1 web map.

The issue is that when we change the QA Status Field to Passed using the Editor Widget and click Update the Widget gets stuck in a Loop and does not let us view any further records. If we close and reopen the Edit Widget it is still stuck in the loop. A screenshot of this loop is below;


I suspect this is because one the value is changed it no longer appears in the Web Map and if we refresh the entire Experience Builder I can see that the record is no longer displayed and the Field has been successfully updated to Passed but it is not practical to do this for every edit made. I am fairly certain I did not have this issue in Web App Builder when using the Smart Editor Widget.

Has anyone experienced this and does anyone have any recommendations?



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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

It seems this issue was addressed in a previous fix. Could you let us know which version of Experience Builder you're using? Additionally, providing a sample app would be helpful for pinpointing the problem. Thank you!

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