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Dynamic text for web map properties

07-11-2022 10:52 PM
New Contributor

Hi all, 

I'm attempting to create some dynamic text to link to the properties of a web map in my experience (i.e. spatial reference). 

In Pro I'd achieve this using the dynamic text tag with:

<dyn type="mapFrame" name="MapFrameName" property="sr" srProperty="name"/>

Which would return: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 56S (for example)

In the ExB text widget I can only find the functionality for pulling attributes from a layer, is there a way to include the map properties in a text widget, or is there a way using the embed widget?

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

@JasonMinogue Unfortunately, we have not provided any functions like that.

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Frequent Contributor

What about at least adding the web map name to a text widget? I would like to add the version number of the web map (which is usually in the description, but i can also add it to the web map name). 

Whenever I make updates to the web map and add a new version number, it would be ideal if I didn't have to also get a production change approval just to redeploy my Experience app to update the text widget manually with the web map's version number being referenced. 

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