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Alternative for Emergency Response Guide Widget

08-14-2023 01:34 PM
Labels (2)
Frequent Contributor

Hi there,

With the push for more Experience Builder applications, I'm struggling to find a migration workaround for the Emergency Response Guide widget (present in Web App Builder). It is not planned to move to Experience Builder in any fashion, and the only suggested migration path is "Custome Development Necessary" Web AppBuilder and Experience Builder functionality matrix—ArcGIS Web AppBuilder | Documentation.

Is it expected to have to develop using Experience Builder developer edition in order to string together a series of operations to replicate the widget? Has anyone had any success in doing so?


1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

I am also wondering this because we are in the process of moving from WebApp Builder to ExperienceBuilder and are unable to recreate our Emergency Management app. We use both the Emergency Response Widget and the Incident Analysis widget in our original app built in WebApp Builder, neither of which are available in ExperienceBuilder in our new Enterprise 11.1 portal. Not having these widgets greatly impacts the functionality of our app and our ability to successfuly migrate from our old portal to our new one.