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Access Related Records in Experience Builder

04-05-2022 08:04 AM
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor


I am attempting to access related records within an experience. I would like it so that when I click on a feature in the map, the list (or a table) I have placed in the layout will show that features related records. I am having difficulties doing this with the Actions as I am pretty new to using Experience Builder. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to walk me through the steps to do this. 


Screenshot 2022-04-05 100002.png


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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @jgoldman ,

I see that you are using the selected features view for the Action data, may I ask why you are not using the default view?

For the list widget, since there are brackets in the list text widgets, I assume you are also using the selected features view?




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Occasional Contributor

Hi @ShengdiZhang ,


Thank you for your response. I was attempting to only view the related records of the selected features within the map. I am getting a little turned around in EB but I feel that the more I use it the easier these actions/triggers will come to me. Not quite understanding their functionality and how to properly use them them at the moment. 



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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi, I assume you are using different data sources on the map (using ds 1) and the list widget (using ds 2), so when you select a record on the map widget, records on ds 2 are not automatically selected, so the selected features view for ds 2 is empty. 

If you still want to use the view of the selected features, you can add a Select data records action instead of the previous Filter data records action, to have the records on ds2 automatically selected.


To avoid brackets on the list widget when no feature is selected, check the option "View for empty selection" from the Data panel.


However, if you want to use the Filter data records action, you can change both the action data and the data used on the list widget to the default view. Please make sure you re-add dynamic content on the list text widgets after changing the list data view.


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