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Please add a customizable display range in Experience Builder's Chart widget

03-01-2023 05:20 AM
Status: In Product Plan
Labels (2)
Frequent Contributor

Please add a customizable display range in Experience Builder's Chart widget, similar to what was provided in Web App Builder.  In Web App Builder's bar chart widget, under Chart settings, Display, there were two choices for the default display range: "automatic" or "all."  Please see below for more information.

Web App Builder's bar chart widget has a default display range option under the Display menu.Web App Builder's bar chart widget has a default display range option under the Display menu.

Using "automatic" would display data according to the sort and selecting the "all" would display all data. Web App Builder's default display range options allows you to view a large number of data series/individual bars by manipulating a horizontal bar across the top of the chart. In this example, you could view one location or multiple locations land use land cover categories. Please see below for more information.

The horizontal bar provided in Web App Builder's bar chart widget allows the user to view one or more station locations.The horizontal bar provided in Web App Builder's bar chart widget allows the user to view one or more station locations.Currently, Experience Builder has no option for a customizable display range. For example, if you want to make a bar chart illustrating 10 data series/individual bars on land use land cover categories, you can only do this by applying a filter first, which is not an adequate solution. If you do not apply a filter, the following message appears: ""Too many features. Bar charts with with three or more series are limited to 1,000 bars, or 100 bars per series. Choose a category field with fewer unique values or apply a filter to your data." Please add this important and often overlooked feature to Experience Builder!


Hi @ScottHansen__MDP_ ,

Thanks for your feedback! This feature of custom display charting range is in our plan. We are working on it which would probably be available in 2024. 


Status changed to: In Product Plan


When in 2024 do you anticipate rolling out this feature? We are unable to develop an ExB applications that use bar charts due to the current limitation with the display settings.


Hi @ScottHansen__MDP_ ,

This feature will be available in 2024 June release. Thanks for your patience.