Make layers hideble in layers list

06-14-2022 04:49 AM
Status: Open
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New Contributor II

It would be nice to have same functionality for hiding some layers from layers list as it is in Web AppBuilder.

Inkedpodnet arcgis_LI.jpg

For example, when I add Tiled Layer, which is generated from one layer, I still get second subtitle. In the picture - Tiled Layer "Lesní biotopy" is generated in ArcGIS Pro from one layer "Lesní biotopy". I want to get rid of the second subtitle, because it is confusing in layer list.

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This is such basic functionality (not including all of the map layers in a Layer List). 


I agree 100%.  This functionality is REALLY needed


Please make this happen!  It would add so much to our products.


I get the impression that many users would like to have this feature as we were used to in Web App Builder. Could anyone from Esri respond to our requests and tell us if this will be in the following release?


YES! Needed 🙂


I really support this idea.


At NYSDOT, we have many web app builder applications in production that rely on this functionality.  Without being able to hide layers in the layer list in experience builder, the important data would get buried by data that is normally hidden from the user in the layer list. 

We do not have any experience builder applications in production yet because each time we try to replicate a production WAB application in experience we find out that experience builder doesn't have what we need to move forward.  



The February 2023 update of ArcGIS Online has added this functionality to the Experience Builder. I hope it will be available in the ExB Developer version soon.


Thanks for note about this feature in February 2023 update of ArcGIS Online. However it does not work as designed.  I can uncheck layers, but they remains in published result. I have already posted bug report under What's New article. Let's see, if they can fix it.