I see need for improvement on the Spatial Filter within the Query Widget.
1. Currently for Geometry types you have Current Map Extent and Drawn Graphic. When you enable both the Current Map Extent is automatically selected as your filter type. I think you should have the ability to select which one you want automatically selected or have the ability to have neither selected which is the dashed line in the drop down. Because if you also have the attribute filter applied it treats this query as an AND statement. So if the end user, if they are not to savvy if they do NOT want to use a spatial filter they would have to to remember to change the spatial filter to the NONE option, if they don't then they would not get the results they were hoping for.
2. That NONE or dashed line needs to be words. Again, what about the none tech savvy people, do you except everyone to know what a dashed line means.
3. I think the Buffer distance should have the option to check on and off by end user, in case they don't want to use it, instead of seeing it all the time or changing the default value.