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Filter Widget - Option To Allow Only One Filter To Be Applied At A Time (radio buttons)

03-10-2021 11:04 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

For our use case, these are our filters:


As you can see, it wouldn't make sense to apply more than one at a time, and applying the first two at the same time filters out all of the data. You can try this out here:



So are we all still waiting for a solution, then? I have several filters which display varying emission/timeframe scenarios for climate data. Right now, I have a text box next to my filters instructing the user to only activate one filter at a time as to not break the display. Would love to have the filter widget adjusted so we can set a rule saying "only one filter allowed" or "deactivate previous filter when new filter is toggled on."


Same problem here. I also want to filter where only 1 year of data shows at a time. The Timeline widget needs updates to better support annual data  - first thing being the line at the top of the widget shows the beginning & end time down to the millisecond. It is the first element of the map to draw the user's eye & confuses them. The filter option for each year would be ideal if there is an option to have only one active at a time like in Dashboards. Looking forward to trying the proposed workaround from @DickieRigdon.