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Experience Builder - Combine Legend Widget and Layers Widget

11-05-2022 12:06 PM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
Occasional Contributor


I have been using Experience Builder. I use the Legend widget to display map symbology, and the Layers widget for the ability to toggle layers on and off. It would be really great if these two functions could be combined into the same widget.

In other words, I want to see the layer's symbol included in the Layers widget. This concept was in the Layers widget in Web AppBuilder.

Hoping you will do something similar in Experience Builder. Thanks!

Tags (1)

lol its really cathartic to see that im not the only one with this issue.


Does anyone have any tricks to implement this with the custom widget? There is a typescript/react custom widget available on github which can be cloned and customized which is linked here . That's what I'm working on now. If I find anything I'll comment it here but for now open to suggestions to get un-jammed. Thx!!!!!!


I am new to EXB and I like it so far but I came across this stumbling block, I'm disappointed that this was the design.  This does not make sense to take away a functionality that was available in Web AppBuilder.  Screen real estate is already tight without having the need for two widgets where one worked before!


I'm trying to build an app that focuses on comparing the different layers in the map and something like this would be great. I'm trying to explore making some kind of interactive legend with the list widget but I can't see how to connect an action to toggle layer visibility. Basically a basemap gallery type of widget but it controls the layers instead of the basemap.


Great idea - I second that. Having two widgets (layers and legend) when one can do the job makes is somehow inefficient and not very user friendly. 


This idea was implemented in the Map Layers Widget of the 1.12 Experience Builder update.




@JeffreyThompson2, That's cool. Thx for the info!