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Add Missing Functionality from Web AppBuilder to Choose Selectable Layers and Selection Methods

10-04-2022 08:05 AM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
Regular Contributor

Web AppBuilder's Select widget allows you to choose which layers are available to select and which selection tools are available.

Web AppBuilder Select Widget Options.jpg

In Experience Builder, the Select tool can only be turned on or off from the map. 

Select Tool in Map Widget.png

Once the Select tool is enabled, there are no options to choose which layers are selectable or modify which selection methods are available. The only way to select a feature from one layer is to turn off all of the other layers.

Experience Builder Select Tools.png

Once features are selected, it’s not possible to interact with the Selected Features count at the bottom right. It displays the number of features, but it’s not clickable, so there’s no way to see or export the selected features without using other widgets.

Selected Features Count.png


I've tried disabling Popups to "disable" the selectable layers in the Experience Builder app but doesn't seem to work. Creating tile layers for every extra reference layer also not really a viable option. Please implement this configuration for Experience builder. The benefits of use the new map viewer (JS 4.x) + feature of the Experience Builder are intriguing but this has been a show stopper several times.



This really needs to be implemented!


This definitely needs to be an option in EB. Please implement Esri!


My organization really needs this functionality. Please implement!  


@LaurenWinkler I've been waiting for this functionality to be added to ExB as well.  I did receive this post in another thread that I've been following.  Fingers crossed that Esri actually follows through with this.

ArcGIS Experience Builder 2023 Roadmap (




Yes please!