Add Location Tracking Widget to Experience Builder Map Container

08-11-2022 03:15 PM
Status: Open
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Occasional Contributor

Implement Location Tracking in Experience Builder - same as JS API:


"Applications can find, track, and display the geolocation for a device with the Locate and Track widgets. Both widgets use the HTML5 Geolocation API to find the device's location and provide updates. Once your geolocation is found, you can zoom to the location, display a graphic, and follow along as your location changes. The Locate widget finds and zooms to your current location after you click the button, whereas the Track widget animates the view to your location at an interval. The Track widget is useful for building applications that provide driving directions and follow routes."

Tags (3)

It would be great for the location to automatically update on a refresh interval.  I don't want to locations recorded, just automatically move the little blue dot around the map for locational awareness.  

For example, launch google maps on your phone, click to zoom to your location, the map will automatically update as you move.




Yes, please.  This would be very useful.


I would love this.


This would help a lot! I agree, we don't need the ability to record the information, we just need a widget that enables us to automatically pan the map to ensure the location stays in the centre of the map (or close to).