Functionality Matrix for Web AppBuilder and Experience Builder

11-03-2021 12:54 PM

Functionality Matrix for Web AppBuilder and Experience Builder

Get a glance of widget migration status in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. For detailed information about which widgets are being migrated and when they will be made available in ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, and the developer edition, check out this newly added Web AppBuilder and Experience Builder functionality matrix topic on Web AppBuilder documentation site. Hopefully information provided helps you make decisions about your migration strategy. This article will be updated at each release. Please come back and check it out periodically.

A glance of widget migration status in ArcGIS Online (The last update is on March 1, 2024):


A glance of widgets migration status in versions of ArcGIS Enterprise (The last update is on June 5, 2024):



Occasional Contributor

There is also the difference between the Exp. Builder Widgets in AGOL and those for Portal/Enterprise.

Last time I checked, the 'Query' widget that comes in Portal's Experience Builder does not allow me to customize the symbology of the results. So for example, a Query that returns point features on the Portal version forces a 'firefly' hazy visualization that is not proper for the data I'm trying to represent (which are land survey points). Because of this, I've had to resort to using Web App Builder (whose Query widget does provide the option to customize the symbology for the results) because company policies dictate that any internal development is meant to be done using Portal and AGOL is reserved for external use.

So yes, the functionality matrix seems a bit misleading when both Portal widgets and AGOL widgets are not quite at the same level in Experience Builder.

Frequent Contributor

@Jianxia I very much agree with @RInfante  - there's no mention in the matrix of Portal/Enterprise versions. We are presently on 10.9.1 and I know a huge amount of those widgets shown in the matrix are not available to us....

Regular Contributor

Hi ExB Dev Team,

Great new additions to the tool in this latest release. 

I was curious if there is any plan to update the Filter Widget with the ability to do custom filters?  Really looking forward to that one.

Emerging Contributor

The Distance and Direction tool in Web AppBuilder was extremely useful. I see it's not planned for integration into Experience Builder. Is there any way to perform this function currently?

Esri Contributor

@Jianxia I see the Distance and Direction widget is not planned at this stage.

Is this functionality being integrated into another widget? Or is it disappearing completely?

Occasional Contributor

We hope you will still consider moving Threat Analysis and Emergeny Responce Guider Widgets to ExB. Their use is extremely important in our own organization and in many other organizations.

New Contributor

@Jianxia Has there been any justification/explanation for not migrating over Parcel Drafter? We have 2 depts (Clerks Office and Treasurers) who rely on Parcel Drafter everyday. Is there another widget or solution that will do the equivalent?

Emerging Contributor

@Jianxia - I agree with  @RInfante and @ahargreaves_FW. It would be immensely helpful to have a similar matrix for Enterprise Experience Builder as there is a substantial lag between widget releases in AGOL to that in Enterprise. Thanks!

Occasional Contributor

The WAB Summary tool is listed as available in ExB, but I can't seem to track it down. Any help on this time? 

I am trying to represent how many projects (point layer) are represented as the end user zooms in/out. 



New Contributor

When do we expect following widgets from Web AppBuilder to be incorporated into Experience builder.

Analysis, Summary, , Threat Analysis, Data Aggregation, Directions, Measurement


These are just some of the items I feel are missing or lacking in Experience builder.  I understand things like summary can be done currently but would be nice to have more of a charting summary type analysis widget vs coding summary for each layer you want to summarize.  (would like more of a table type summary tool)

Regular Contributor

Dear ESRI, basemap gallery not by default? Really? How can we migrate to experience builder without such basic stuff in apps as configurable basemaps for users? Such a lame...

Regular Contributor

@TomasPokorny- The Map Widget already has a Basemap tool built in but they plan on creating a separate widget, hence the "planned" on the chart.

Occasional Explorer

Are the sections noted as "not planned" eventually going to be implemented? In particular, the threat analysis, emergency response guide, and gridded reference graphic? These tools are heavily used amongst emergency response. Thank you!  

Regular Contributor

@KevinMWright13  I know that basemap tool is included in Map but if you can't make such basic settings as configure your basemaps it's unusable in enterprise environment. For us it's second, maybe third, basic content of webMapApplication, after map and layer list.

Frequent Contributor


What about savesession? This is very important for us

SaveSession Widget 
The SaveSession Widget for ArcGIS Web AppBuilder enables users to save the current map settings into a session and restore them again later. A saved session includes the extent, visible layers and annotations of the current map. Sessions may be saved and loaded from files so they can be shared with others.

Regular Contributor

The edit widget is available for ExB. But it lacks some of the important features from WAB. As many have mentioned. 
I would really like to see the clip polygon, reshape, merge tools in ExB. 
We can of course configure and continue to use WAB, but then we run into problems because we have started to use the new webmap and its functionality. Grouping of layers, symbolize with vector symbols. Etc. 
Also batch editing would be nice!

Frequent Contributor

Is the Analysis > Plan Route functionality planned for ExB?  The Directions widget doesn't cover the requirement.  In WAB, clients use Query to select a group of features, then the Analysis > Plan Route to create a best route.

New Contributor

@Jianxia - I agree with  @RInfante , @ahargreaves_FW , and @kreed . It would be useful to list which widgets have been migrated by ArcGIS Enterprise version.  Thank you for moving GIS forward.

Occasional Contributor

@Jianxia After using Esri products for 30 years now, I am getting pretty frustrated with the current Esri strategy around new product releases. ArcGIS Pro was released long before it was comparably feature complete or stable as compared to ArcGIS Desktop. There are still important features of ArcGIS Pro that don't work as well as in ArcGIS Desktop (e.g., Model Builder). Avoiding feature regression and instability should be fundamental principles of software development and no amount of new features make up for these lacks. It is fine to release it in "Beta" but don't release as a 1.0 product until it is actually done! The same thing is true of Enterprise Builder and WABDE. Did you ask users what our priorities for features to migrate were? Experience Builder has been out for quite a while and yet it still cannot replace many features of production apps built using WABDE. That is very disappointing! Until Experience Builder is comparable in capabilities, you should still be promoting WABDE as the best solution, and EB as the "next gen", experimental solution. One more thought: release all widgets for EB on both AGOL and Portal at the same time. At least, publish two matrices of widget migration so developers can make platform choices.

Occasional Contributor

So for all functionalities that are not planned to be brought over, will there be a newer solution or are we just required to continue using WAB?

Regular Contributor

@Jianxia Where is the Overview Map in Experience Builder? I see that it is supposed to be available in Experience Builder but I do not see it as an option in the widgets. I also tried linking two maps, but I can't get the smaller (overview) map to be more zoomed out.

Emerging Contributor

Several applications currently use the district lookup widget in WAB. There are currently no plans to migrate this tool to ExB. Is there an alternative widget in ExB that has the same functionality as district lookup?

Esri Regular Contributor

@kreed @RInfante @ahargreaves_FW , attached matrix document has been updated to add ArcGIS Enterprise versions so you can find widgets available in which version of ArcGIS Enterprise. 

Esri Regular Contributor

@E_-_MattReed__GISS_ @DavinWalker2 @TimoWidbom - Distance and Direction, Threat Analysis, and Emergency Responsive Guide widgets currently are not planned to be migrated over. Custom development is needed. 

Esri Regular Contributor

@EmilyRenkema, the capability of Parcel Drafter is considered in a new web editor app from Esri. 

Esri Regular Contributor

@PAGIS the Summary widget can be replaced by the Text  and Map widgets. Basically link Text to a layer, use dynamic content to get count statistic. On the Map widget, set Extent changes trigger to make Framework filter the layer. The count number in Text will be updated based on the map extent.


Esri Regular Contributor

@HollyGolightly the capability of District Lookup is available in the Zone Lookup instant app.

Emerging Contributor

- Distance and Direction, Threat Analysis, and Emergency Responsive Guide widgets currently are not planned to be migrated over. Custom development is needed. 

@Jianxia I realize it's been said before that Distance and Direction need custom development, my question is simply, are they going to ever do it? That is the #1 most useful tool for my firefighting airtanker base managers, and WAB isn't being continued with no solution in sight for WEB. Fantastic.

Occasional Explorer

@Jianxia @E_-_MattReed__GISS_ I truly believe ESRI should strongly reconsider this. If custom development is needed then that tells me it can be done. There seems to be an exceptional amount of GIS growth amongst emergency response users and I know of many agencies that depend on these widgets to assist in situational awareness.        

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

"Summary widget can be replaced by the Text and Map widgets. Basically link Text to a layer, use dynamic content to get count statistic. On the Map widget, set Extent changes trigger to make Framework filter the layer. The count number in Text will be updated based on the map extent."  that is as clear as mud on a cloudy day at night.

I think most everyone can agree that this new setup in ExpB is confusing as heck. This whole triggers and frameworks is a MESS. I've spent hours trying to figure out how all that works. Thanks for taking simple things and making them WAY too complicated now.

Frequent Contributor

Hi @Jianxia ,I agree with too many posts here to mention.

Particularly for Emergency Response - the widgets available in WAB critical (threat analysis, emergency response guide, etc.). While ExB has some great features, we are stuck with WAB. This is a surprise as Esri have a public safety team dealing with emergency response. I believe they also share the same frustrations.

I would have like to see ExB - WAB parity as the focus with respect to widgets, THEN bring in the new widgets. We can't transition until the widgets we already use are available.

Many, including myself, have suggested you poll the user community regarding widget development. It's not too late...

Occasional Contributor

In web appBuilder the user could create an adhoc filter to view a subset of data in the 'Attribute Table Widget'. Will this functionality appear in ExB. I know I can use the filter widget or the query widget to define an expresssion to filter the data. What I want is the ability for the user to define their own expression.

Emerging Contributor

Would love to have the same functionality/options with charts in Experience builder as the charts in Dashboards.  Right now I have to develop my charts in Dashboards and embed in EB.  Looks good but is an extra step.

Emerging Contributor

Hi   @Jianxia or @JesseCloutier 


I want to know if it is possible for the filters defined inside a "Filter" widget to interact with each other, that is, the selected value of a filter, condition the available values ​​to select another filter.


Best regards


João Pinto

Esri Community Manager

Hi @JoaoPinto! I'm one of the Esri Community Managers rather than a product manager. As much as I'd love to help answer your question, @Jianxia is far better equipped on this topic and I leave it to her or other knowledgeable members in this space. All the best!

New Contributor

What is the expected release date of custom Geoprocessing Tools?

What is the expected release date of Batch Editing?


These 2 widgets are critical in my apps. I am developing new apps to replace previous apps (built with Web App Builder) but I cannot complete the migration until these critical widgets are available.

MVP Frequent Contributor

I don't see ability to edit related tables in this  matrix, which is alarming. Does that mean WAB won't be deprecated because there is no need to migrate/upgrade to EB if there is no planned functionality for related table editing?

MVP Frequent Contributor

What was the use case for not porting the Distance and  Direction widget, considering its popularity and how many folks are using it in production WAB deployments?

Occasional Contributor

Is all a bit embarrassing isn't it?! The differences between Enterprise 10.x and 11.x coupled with the compatibility issues between ArcGIS Pro 2.9 and 3.1 is leading to an absolute cluster bomb of  compatibility issues. Do Esri really expect major organisations and corporations to just migrate maybe 2 or 3 years’  worth of stability over on a whim to match their sporadic release schedules -  even if that were possible, it would only work if the same level of functionality was available, which it never is?

Custom Print Template functionality is still not available in Experience Builder, but we’re being told that at 11.x that Web App Builder will effectively be depreciated so content will have to be migrated. “Print widget is on the 2021 roadmap” – what does that even mean? It’s the middle of 2023 and it still isn’t available.

Map Viewer can even read the same WMS feeds as Map Viewer Classic = lots of data missing from projects!


Frustrated user trying to operation in a 10.9.1 & 2.9.5 environment and a 10.9.1 & 3.1.1 environment (note not a 11.1 & 3.1.1 environment – in which I’d still need custom print template functionality)

Frequent Contributor

@Jianxia @JesseCloutier Is there a plan to have an Edit widget in Experience Builder like the one in Web AppBuilder? Please, we need to have a powerful Edit widget (merge, cut, reshape, autocomplete also trace) in Experience Builder before you phase out Web AppBuilder or, we will not be able to upgrade to the next version of Enterprise. We got a 100 Portal users and they do all the forestry mapping/editing using Web AppBuilder.
Thank you,

Frequent Contributor

@Jianxia The functionality Matrix that you mention says Edit widget was done in Enterprise Version 11, but it does not have the tools (in the Edit widget) we will need (merge, cut, reshape, autocomplete also trace) in order to move from Web AppBuilder to Experience Builder. So, no Edit widget is not complete. This becomes even more important now. How are we going to know when Esri will enhance the Edit widget to accommodate all the tools we need to do our mapping before they phase out Web AppBuilder? Do you have an enhancement matrix? Please do not phase out Web AppBuilder any time soon. We do a lot with Web AppBuilder from Editing to Geoprocessing. You still do not have the Geoprocessing widget in Experience Builder and there is no telling how much enhancement it will have to go through before it can do all the things we are already doing with the Geoprocessing widget in Web AppBuilder.

Frequent Contributor

@AbiDhakal  your Web AppBuilder apps will continue to work after Esri ends support for WAB in 2024 and 2025.  This fact is clearly stated in the first paragraph of this blog from February 2023 -

I hope this helps.


ArcGIS Server since 2009

Frequent Contributor


Thank you for the article. It will continue to work is not good enough, because it does not sound like editing existing apps or, making new Web AppBuilder apps after 2025 will be available. The option to be able to edit and make new Web AppBuilder apps until Experience Builder covers all of what Web AppBuilder does now is critical. At our organization with a 100 Portal users using Web AppBuilder apps to map, edit and run web tools (geoprocessing wizard) for forestry mapping, as you can understand will make upgrading to ArcGIS Enterprise after 2025 without the minimum functionality of what Web AppBuilder has to offer now will be a no.

Thank you,

MVP Frequent Contributor

"I hope this helps."

Not really. You know the security risk of running an application post-support. So I guess what we're seeing is, WAB will sunset from any organization that follows basic (simple) security policy in 4th quarter of 2025 (actually, AGOL enterprise users will have no choice) , Experience Builder is the replacement, but with almost none of the functionality. Based on how quickly ArcMap tools got ported to Pro, there is not a chance, even a slim one, that all of the WAB functionality will make it to EB by 2025, or ever 2035. 

Not at all a surprise with ESRI...

Frequent Contributor

I have numerous concerns about porting WAB apps to EB apps, but one technical point/question:

When we have an Edit widget, in WAB only the fields and values that are configured in the widget, and perhaps a key or whatever else is necessary to complete the operation, are passed back in an applyEdits call when attribute edits are submitted. 

We've found that the same operation in Experience Builder apps submits the values for all of the fields in the data that is underlying the widget - whether it's relevant to the edit operation or not. This can make for a much larger payload, which can be problematic in areas with poor connectivity, or good connectivity that is saturated. It's also problematic one of the fields that is not directly involved in the edit contains a value that ArcGIS Online can't handle due to a defect (for example, BUG-000159092 - In ArcGIS Experience Builder in ArcGIS Online, unable to apply edits to a feature using the Edit widget if the feature contains HTML formatting with encoded spaces in a URL (%20).) and the update operation quietly dies on the back-end, leaving the editor without information, and losing their edits.

Is this by design? Is there any upside to this change, or is it a regression for practical purposes?

Frequent Contributor

@PaulHoefflerGISS We have this exact same behaviour in the edit widget it's so very frustrating. We also have an issue where non required fields will spit an error message saying that data is required whether they have data in the field or not, which breaks the entire edit operation. Users can spend a bunch of time filling out attributes and just get an "unable to perform edit operation".

Absolutely agree with your last question and would appreciate an answer from esri:


Is this by design? Is there any upside to this change, or is it a regression for practical purposes?

Frequent Contributor


You say the 'Draw' tool is complete. No it is not. With WAB you can write with the 'Draw' tool and our users very feequently use this tool to overcome labeling limitations and it did a good job. Now, with ExB the 'Draw' tool does not have an opetion to write. I do not see any place in the 'Draw' tool to pick alphabets. Please complete the 'Draw' tool as it is in WAB. We will appreciate you.

Thank you,

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Just saw ExB now has Swipe. Thank you! It's a little wonky to configure but once I figured it out I'm happy that I'll be able to update some of our apps now.

Emerging Contributor

I would like to see the Public Notification widget ported over to ExB.  As others have stated I do not want to send my users to another app just to perform a function that they have been accustomed to finding in our Parcel Explorer application.

New Contributor

Are there plans for a more robust Edit widget like in WAB?  Cut, merge, reshape, copy, undo, redo, etc?  My org uses these features all the time in WAB and it's great!  Otherwise, the transition to ExB is going to really set my org's field staff back in data collection ease and efficiency.

Version history
Last update:
‎06-05-2024 10:13 AM
Updated by: