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What's Coming in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2

10-10-2023 12:41 PM
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Esri Regular Contributor
12 18 4,756

Updated on November 13, 2023:

A sneak peek into new Experience Builder features in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2, which is planned to be available in November 2023. 

ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 takes new features from ArcGIS Experience Builder in ArcGIS Online February and June releases except for the beta features. Plus, 11.2 supports editing related records which is not available in ArcGIS Online until the October release. Check the following blogs for demonstrations on the upcoming new widgets and capabilities in 11.2.

What's New in ArcGIS Experience Builder (June 2023)

What's New in ArcGIS Experience Builder (February 2023)



Occasional Contributor

Will there be a way to logically structure the layers in groups and define an independent drawing order in Experience Builder? We define the logical structure of our 90+ layers in a web map which automatically defines the drawing order. This drawing order leads to hidden features, and I was wondering if there is a way in Experience Builder to define the drawing order or to do this in the web map and implement the logical stricture in Experience Builder. 

Emerging Contributor

@Jianxia will the swipe widget allow us to compare different basemaps? Common use case for this is the environmental team would like to be able to swipe between two different basemaps/aerial images. 

This is also commonly used by planning teams to look at the amount of construction that has occurred in the past 10-50 years.

Are there any YouTube videos or the like, around the new functionality (once released?) to enable Admins to have a quick look on the capabilities of the new functionality without necessarily jumping into the system, spinning up a new XB app for testing/playing around?

Occasional Explorer

Good Afternoon @Jianxia ,

I would like to confirm one thing:  Does the Edit widget now support editing related table records and related feature records ONLY in the October 2023 release of ArcGIS Online and NOT in Enterprise 11.2?

If so, any projected time frame for Enterprise?



Esri Regular Contributor

@gisforever, editing related records will be available in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3.

Occasional Explorer

@Jianxia Thank you for the quick reply and also for all the great work you and the team are doing!

Frequent Contributor

@Jianxia I'm coming from a 10.9.1 Enterprise environment so I'm a little behind.  Within 10.9.1, related table functionality as a whole within Experience Builder - and Instant Apps for the most - barely exists.  I saw your comment about related table editing coming in 11.3; is basic related table usage such as viewing/configuration available in 11.2 for EB/IA?  Or, is everything related table-wise being incorporated at once in 11.3.  Thanks!

MVP Regular Contributor

Besides the updates to Enterprise Builder, what are there updates in 11.2?  We are mid-rollout at 11.1, should we be looking at upgrading?  Is there any upgrade documentation?

Occasional Contributor

@JoeHershman desde mi propia experiencia y llevo trabajando desde el 10.2 nosotros hacemos los cambios de Server antes Enterprise ahora siempre en julio del año siguiente si sale en noviembre como indica @Jianxia o en julio de ese mismo año si como el 11.1 sale en febrero del 2023. Hacemos esto porque siempre habrá bugs y errores que se van depurando, mira el caso del último AGOL que ha tenido problemas con Arcade y se está solucionando. Así que como norma esperamos un poco a que pase casi medio año y se hayan solucionado bugs, aparte de que consultamos antes con ESRI en mi caso con ESRI España para saber como va el Enterprise en cuestión y que problemas han tenido y si ya está arreglado también es verdad que cuando teníamos el 10.2 lo montábamos nosotros pero desde hace 5 años lo tenemos en AWS con el apoyo de ESRI España y eso nos soluciona muchos problemas. 

Por último @ChristopherBowering si no has dado el salto a el 11 ten en cuenta que a partir de ahora ya no podrás publicar desde Arcmap y todo se hace desde Arcgis Pro.


Frequent Contributor

@Jianxia Your previous comment said that related table edit support won't be available until 11.3.

However, the "Issues Addressed" document from Esri for 11.2 says that the Edit widget supports related table editing (ENH-000153037).

So, I guess I'm confused on whether or not related table edit support is actually supported or not. Can we have a definitive answer on if editing capabilities for the Edit widget for related tables are supported or not?

Esri Regular Contributor

@MarioSchedler , currently map viewer defines the rendering and symbologies and drawing order while ExB honors it. Could you provide use cases on re-defining the drawing order in ExB?

Esri Regular Contributor

@Cory_Williams , the Swipe widget now allows you to compare two maps regardless web map or web scene in a Map widget configured with two maps. This feature is demonstrated in the What's New in Experience Builder (June 2023) blog. As ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 takes new features from Experience Builder in ArcGIS Online February and June 2023 releases except for beta features, I would recommend the following blogs to quickly grasp upcoming news features in 11.2. 

What's New in ArcGIS Experience Builder (June 2023)

What's New in ArcGIS Experience Builder (February 2023)

Also, thanks for the reminder. I will update this blog with above two links.

Esri Regular Contributor

@RyanUthoff , you are right!! Though ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 takes new features from Experience Builder in ArcGIS Online February and June 2023 releases, 11.2 indeed supports related records editing which is not available in ArcGIS Online until the October release. The team understands the importance of this feature to ArcGIS Enterprise users and makes effort to add it in. Thanks for catching it! I will add comments to the blog for this feature.

@gisforever, my bad. Editing related records will be available in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2.

Esri Regular Contributor

@ChristopherBowering, first of all, I was wrong on editing related records. This feature will be available in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2. See my comments above. Secondly, you are right that Experience Builder as a whole does not handle viewing and configuring related records yet. There is an internal backlog issue and your comment has been added to it. As part of parity to Web AppBuilder, we do plan to support it. No timeline yet.

Esri Regular Contributor

@JuanManuelCruzHerrera thanks for sharing. Another factor you may consider is the product life cycle when it comes to which version you'd like to upgrade to. From my understanding, the ArcGIS Enterprise released in the first half of the year has 5 years product life cycle while that released in the second half of the year has 2 years product life cycle.

Occasional Contributor
The Contents pane in ArcGIS Pro defines the drawing order. I would put raster data at the bottom, on top of it polygons, on top of it lines, and on top of it the point objects. No polygons will hide lines and points etc. We have 100+ feature layers in the contents pane. The drawing order is not important for the users but it's currently the only way how we can structure layers. Our users expect a logical structure of the feature layers by following the drawing order rules I explained. A logical structure helps users to find and quickly access data in a web map/ app. That is currently not possible in ArcGIS.
An example: We have a group layer called Structure that shows buildings, tanks, pipe racks columns etc. Many users use these data and I would put it as one of the first group layers in a web map. Buildings, tanks etc. are polygon layers and I must move it at the bottom otherwise it might hide other feature. Pipe rack columns are point objects and should be on top pf the drawing order. Since they belong to the same (logical) group layer as buildings and tanks, I can not separate them. If I would do that users would search for it and it takes too much time to find it. I cannot explain user the concept of drawing order and that they have to follow this concept to find data.
A kind of map manager in ExB where I can sort and structure the layers according to the users needs would be very beneficial. However, I think it's easier to use the Contents Pane to define the structure of the layers and use the layer ID or something similar to define the drawing order.
Esri Regular Contributor

@JoeHershman , new features in Experience Builder in ArcGIS Enterprise are documented under ArcGIS Experience Builder ->Get started->Reference. Taking ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 as an example.


ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 takes new features from ArcGIS Experience Builder in ArcGIS Online February and June releases except for beta features. Also 11.2 adds support for editing related records which is not available in ArcGIS Online until the October release. So, you may take a look at the following blogs for upcoming new features in 11.2

What's New in ArcGIS Experience Builder (June 2023)

What's New in ArcGIS Experience Builder (February 2023)

Frequent Contributor

@Jianxia I understand that you are "the messenger" and I'm sure we all appreciate the responses you have been providing.  On that front, thank you!  I continue to be very disappointed, in general, with ESRI's handling of related tables across its apps.  Despite their usefulness and how users rely on them, related tables are often one of the last components to be addressed.  It is frustrating how highly touted EB and Instant Apps are despite lacking such crucial functionality, often with no known timeframes for inclusion.  Almost all of our heavily used datasets involve related tables where the data needs to be displayed.  Therefore, EB and Instant Apps, in Enterprise, are essentially non-starters for us.  There are even basic related table issues in WAB that I am still dealing with.  I also find it interesting that related table editing in EB will be available before simple viewing and configuration is available.  This seems quite backwards in my opinion.  Please feel free to add these additional comments to the backlog issue you mentioned.  Thanks!

Regular Contributor

Edited comment. Deleting cookies fixed the issue.

About the Author
Product Manager for ArcGIS Experience Builder and ArcGIS Web Appbuilder. She likes camping and hiking.