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When to refresh/overwrite a map service

10-22-2012 06:56 AM
Occasional Contributor
Hello, two rather simple questions:

1. After an .mxd file is published as a map service to ArcGIS Server, the map service and the .mxd file are completely independent of each other, correct?  In that the .mxd can be deleted/renamed and the map service is not affected.

2. When is it appropriate to republish/overwrite a dynamic map service published from an .mxd?  For example, if edits are made to the data, does the .mxd need to be republished for the edits to display or will the map service pick the edits up automatically?
And what are some examples where a dynamic map service would have to be republished to reflect changes?  Change in symbology...?
Thank you
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7 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
1. Simple answer is yes, you are correct.
Longer version: at 10.1, you open an mxd in ArcMap and publish that to ArcGIS Server without being worried about msd/mxd as you'd do in 9.3.1 or 10.0.
Though behind the scene, the publishing process

  • creates an msd,

  • uploads both mxd & msd (optionally data, when the workspace is not registered to the Data Store) on the server, and

  • creates a map service using the uploaded msd.

Therefore, there is no tie between the map service and the original mxd that you opened in ArcMap in the first place.
Having said that it is *very important* to remember that you still need to keep the original mxd, should you need to update the map service at 10.1 with the changes you made in the mxd.

(a) When 'edits are made to the data', in most of the cases, you do not need to republish/overwrite/restart the dynamic map service, map service picks up the update at the next export/query request.
Exception to this rule is that when your data get copied to the server (as specified earlier, it happens when the folder or GeoDB is not registered to the ArcGIS Server Data Store. A typical case would to publish a mapservice on the cloud which does not have access to your local data), yes, you need to republish which will copy the data to the server.

(b) You need to republish/overwrite the map service, when there is any modification made to the content of the map such as, what you mentioned, symbology changed, add/remove layer, scale-visibility changed etc.
New Contributor II


In response to your answer to (b); I am aware I need to republish/overwrite the map service when modifications are made such as change in symbology.  BUT, after I republish, I have to go back into the Web App Builder (Silverlight) and remove the old map service layer and add the new one, which shares the same Rest End point.  Is there a way to accomplish this without having to do that.  I would like my clients to be able to republish without having to access our Builder and see other map services that they do not need to see.

Basically is there a way to republish and have the symbology changes reflect without having to add/remove the same rest end point?


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Esri Regular Contributor

T. Long,

I'm afraid, I don't quite understand it correctly.

Since your map service's REST url is not changed, there is no reason you need to rebuild you web app... it should simply work without any kind of modification.



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New Contributor II

Because it is a Map Service, when I make edits to the map, it does reflect instantly on the Web App.  I would like to set it up so when I edit Symbology, it also reflects on the Web Map.

Right now, if I change Symbology in ArcMap I republish and the symbology changes on the Service Address but does not reflect the changes in the actually map unless I remove the Rest end point and then re-add it. 

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Esri Regular Contributor

it should work... that is the purpose of dynamic map service; as you modify the source map or data, the next export request from a web app should reflect those changes right away.

At this point, I'd recommend you to contact Esri Support to take a look at what is going on. Without looking at your web app and/or not knowing how everything is setup, it is hard to pin down the problem...


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Occasional Contributor
Manhoque, thank you.  That answers my questions fully.
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Occasional Contributor
This answered my questions too! Thank you Mahoque for an excellent answer.
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