Upgrade to Arcgis enterprise 10.8.1

03-28-2021 12:38 AM
New Contributor III

Hi all.

I have a question regarding upgrading from arcgis server 10.6.1 to 10.8.1, perhaps someone could provide a answer.


is it required to upgrade all components then re-authorize the portal,

or we must upgrade the portal first, re-authorize it, then start with upgrading other components, like data store.... 

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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Once the Portal upgrade is done installing, you will need to relicense, then upgrade the other components (starting with ArcGIS Server then ArcGIS DataStore)

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New Contributor III

 Thank you for your reply, 
actually we followed that procedure to upgrade from 10.6.1 to 10.8.1, however after upgrading to portal 10.8.1, then trying to re license, it gives this error:

The existing portal could not be upgraded directly from 10.2 to 10.8.1. Upgrades from 10.2 are no longer supported.

The problem is, the installed gisserver version that we want to upgrade  is a fresh installed 10.6.1. never 10.2

we have no idea the reason for that error message.

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Esri Regular Contributor

For that error I suggest contacting Tech Support or your Account Manager to figure out the best way forward.